Monday, December 8, 2008

Reports from the petri dish: Fertilization

Of the 12 eggs that were retrieved, 10 were mature. And of those, 8 fertilized without ICSI (Way to go, Will's little swimmers!).

Usually at my clinic they require a minimum of 10 embryos to consider a 5-day transfer, but the nurse who called today said that my RE wants to try to push us to day 5. She said to keep both Wednesday and Friday afternoons free. The clinic will call Wednesday morning to let us know whether the transfer will be later that day or Friday.

Feeling much better today physically and optimistic about how things are looking. We shall see what Wednesday's news brings.

Thank you for all of your comments and thoughts.



  1. Great report!!!! I am glad that you are feeling okay.

  2. Wonderful!! I'm so excited for you both! What wonderful results from a disappointing start ....take it eeasy and get the new embaby home ready!

  3. That's awesome!!

    I hope the transfer goes well. Let us know if you can when it will be.
    Crossing fingers and toes for you.

    Drink lots of gatorade and eat lots of protein and prunes...


  4. That's a terrific report! I agree with your RE. You already have some on ice. Going to blast will get you the strongest ones.

  5. So far so good, awesome report for IVF#3 - and I know how much being at #3 can suck so yay for you:-)

  6. This is a fantastic report. Proof positive that your concerns a few posts back were all for naught . You really do have life and love in the petri dish right now. Hopfully after 4 more days it will become life and love in the womb.

  7. Woo Hoo! Awesome news!! And I'm so glad that you're feeling better.

  8. that's great news. i am so excited to hear it.

    wednesday or friday works for me ;)

  9. How exciting. Keep pushing the gatorade.

  10. Go big EIGHT! Wonderful. Can't wait to hear how the week pans out!

  11. Congratulations! That's fantastic news!

  12. Fabulous news! I'm so excited for you. :)
    12 eggs! 8 fertilized, wow!
    I'm praying that this is the one for you.

    thank you for the encouraging comments before my retrieval, also helping me know what to expect.

  13. This is a great report!!!

    I hope you can get some great blasts to work with!

    Take it easy and get ready to bring the embies home!

  14. That is great news! Take it easy this week.

  15. Fantastic!

    Crossing my fingers for you for excellent development and a great transfer.

  16. Fingers crossed. Keep us posted.

  17. Great news! Keep us posted! We're thinking of you both and hoping for the best!


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