Wednesday, January 28, 2009

On to co-culture and IVF #4

Saw the RE yesterday. He did an ultrasound and bloodwork and said to expect my period in the next day or two.

And although I tested negative for ovulation, my period came today. Thankfully. I have a call in to the co-culture coordinator to see if I can get on the list to be seen for the biopsy later this month, with stims starting toward the end of Feb.

I laughed at myself a little this morning. I need to learn some patience! One more day and my period would have come all on its own (later than it's ever come in my entire life, even on lupron, but still). It is a challenge not to get completely wrapped up in my sense of urgency about babymaking. But I need to take a breath and somehow find a way to keep perspective.



  1. Sounds like things are moving right along! I always manage to flip out a day or two before Aunt Flow shows up. It used to be because I was afraid I was pregnant..... how times change, huh?

    Hang in there! Deep, slow breaths......lather, rinse, and repeat....

  2. I start stims the first week of March. Hopefully this cycle will be lucky for both of us.

  3. Glad AF arrive. Hooray for #4!!

  4. Good news. I meant to comment before (I'm so bad lately!). My first cancelled cycle was six weeks long! I went in after 30 days and was told I was getting ready to ovulate. But if you were just checking with OPKs, you may have missed the surge.

    I wish you a happy, cramp free period. (What idiot ad exec thought of that one? I can imagine the guys on Mad Men coming up with something like that, only they could never utter the word!) Hopefully you'll soon have a long break from periods.

    Drinks/dinner before I fly off to the North Pole for my transfer?

  5. I think it is hard when you know everything depends on what your body is doing. Makes it hard to detach/get perspective. Hope scheduling goes well!

  6. I am glad AF showed up. It IS so hard to be patient since it feels like we are always waiting. Hang in there!

  7. Glad your period showed up - albeit too late for mind's ease. As far as perspective goes, I think it's the first thing to disappear during this stupid IVF shit. You put so much time & mental energy into it, that it's hard to remember about life outside of babymakin'. Hang in there. I'm glad things are back on track!

  8. yea for AF. this means taking steps to move forward :) wahoo!!!

  9. glad she decided to show up - provera is definitely one of the low points in my glad you do not have to go on it.

  10. Aren't we all like that! Thinking great things for #4!

  11. Oh, what you did is definitely par for the course. Remember that if you think you're neurotic surely there are tons of patients they see who are far worse than you. I am so glad your body did what it was supposed to do, and that you're onto #4. Best wishes for a successful cycle!

  12. Good luck to you. I swear that co-culture was why my third IVF worked.

  13. Hey Mo - thanks for your kind comment on my post yesterday. Much appreciated.

    Just added you to my list so I can follow your cycle - I'm very hopeful for you and appreciate your inspiration!

    Also, I'm in the field too - I've been laughing at myself that I actually had to cancel on a client to make my own shrink appointment. Good thing she doesn't know that - ha ha.


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