Friday, February 20, 2009

Injection instructions

Is it a sign that I am growing weary of this IVF business that after the biopsy yesterday I left Will at the clinic to meet with the IVF nurse and learn how to mix the menopur - a new drug I'm taking this cycle? (I went to grab lunch and go to grand rounds.)

Or maybe it's just an indication that my husband rocks.

Bet the nurse was surprised when she came out to get me and found him there instead. Oh well.

How far we've come from the first IVF when I was overattentive to every detail and Will was much less involved!


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  1. I hear you on this one! I nearly forgot to give myself my shots last night and then left my AM shot in the fridge when I left the house this morning. Guess that novelty has worn off, huh?

    Glad to hear the co-culture went well. Looking forward to following your cycle!

  2. I know I am going to forget to do something this cycle. That would have never happened last cycle. I'm glad you can depend on your husband. It makes such a difference, in this and in life.

  3. just caught up on the last two posts. glad that the culture went well, sorry it was uncomfortable.

    why are they making you have the ed session again? menopur is menopur and it doesn't change. and you can re-read the instructions on the package insert if you forget :) jeeze!

    have not decided if i'm going to order my own labs. so far i've been good....unless you count starting myself on metformin and changing my PNV. hmmm....maybe not so good...

  4. Your stims are pretty low compared to what I did, 300iu Menopur and 300iu Follistim!! That's only one vial of Menopur, so it should be pretty easy. I was doing 4 vials, and I never had any problems with it. Maybe a little sting, but that's nothing compared to the sting of a loss. I hope you get the go ahead to start them next week.

  5. I am so much more relaxed on IVF #2, which is great. But my DH doesn't seem more involved, if anything he is more focused on work than ever. I guess he just figures it's old hat now...

    Will is awesome (and so are you). I love the mental pic of the nurse showing him how to do your shots. Best of luck with the co-culture, it sounds really good!

  6. WHAT!?! Mixing menopur shouldn't be any different than mixing anything else. (I don't think it should, I used repronex.) Geez, he did go to med school!

  7. It goes like that. I'm on BCP for IVF no. 4 and I keep forgetting to take the damn things. Funny how we learn to relax during this stressful procedure!
    All the best.

  8. Go Will! If I sent my husband to get menopur mixing instructions, he'd come back with a shaker full of martinis.

    Continue to think about and pull for you both.

  9. Dude, I could have taught your husband to mix menopur. I'm going to start an underground subQ injections training program.
    But, only if I could start smoking,and sound like one of the aunts on the simpsons. that would make it really gritty and back alley like.

  10. Can your hubby teach my hubby how to be more involvoed!!! LOL

    Good luck honey!


  11. I think your husband rocks! My husband hates needles so I do all the shots in our house.

  12. Oh, your husband is so sweet!


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