Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cycle day 9 update

IVF #4 is well underway, and I realized that although last cycle I did a bunch of cycle day updates, this time, I've posted exactly....ZERO.

Hmmmm...guess I'm kind of over this IVF thing.

But still, I'm almost through the stims here, and I should post at least ONCE about how things are going, right?

The whole cycle feels different sans lupron - many fewer side effects. So much so at the beginning that I hardly felt I was cycling at all. Now that the Ganrilex is on board (in addition to the menopur and follistim), I'm still having few side effects, but beginning to feel like (and resemble) a human pin cushion.

The past couple of days, I'm starting to have that telltale ovarian soreness, certainly during the ultrasound wanding, and now pretty much all day too.

Lest this sound like a complaint - do not be fooled. I actually like the abdominal soreness. Tells me that something is going on in there.

And I've been trying to remind myself, without getting my hopes up, that that something could be the makings of a baby.

Because we've done this repeatedly, and for what feels like so long, sometimes I forget to have some wonder (and maybe, some reverence) about the process. The makings of a baby is what we're after here, not just a ton of doctor visits and large bills and discomfort (much as I love doctor visits and bills and physical discomfort).

Good to remember.

Will came with me to the monitoring yesterday and today. It is so good to have him back in town and feel like we're going through this together. So far, things seem to be progressing ok. I have a couple of decent sized follicles on the right and several on the left. For a blow-by-blow accounting, click here on cycle details and scroll to the bottom. I've been updating daily.

My RE saw me today and said that I may have the retrieval on Sunday but more likely on Monday. Sounds good to me. I just want this cycle to be the one. Please. I think we've paid our dues already (although I know it doesn't work like that).


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  1. Yes, you've paid your dues. And yes, I wish it worked liked that! Some days, I even wish every person who became a parent had had to go through some little tiny amount of infertility--to make them sure they really wanted it and then to make sure they were less apt to take it for granted. Now I'm wondering: why didn't someone consult ME when making the rules of life? :)
    Good luck, it sounds like things are progressing well! I always liked that feeling of ovarian soreness, too!

  2. You have paid your dues for sure.
    I am on the microdose lupron and it is far less lupron and I am far more sane, albeit pretty emotional this time.
    My retrieval is going to be Monday! I think I am down to hoping for six eggs - I am staying positive and hopeful even in the face of shitty fert rates and repeated biochemical losses...

  3. ooohhh... the image of the human pincushion just squeezed my heart... i'm sorry for all the needles...

    it sounds like heaven without the Lupron though. :) And let's hope that your ovaries keep working beautifully and increasing follicles and producing strong, healthy eggs. :)
    I might be out of town when you go for your ER. So, wishing you the everything goes smooth there and for an easy recovery.
    Good luck!

  4. Honey, I am praying for you guys so hard right now. You deserve this so much. The follicle count looks great! Keep up the good work!


  5. I think you've paid your dues too. Good luck!

  6. Wow! I am scheduled for retrieval on Monday or Tuesday here in NYC too.... I'll be sending good baby dust thoughts your way! good luck good luck!! :) katie

  7. I am with you on the abdominal stuff. It is good to know the ovaries are working.
    Yes, fairness isn't part of this journey. But, trying again does get us closer to some semblance of what is owed. At least I hope so. Good luck this weekend.

  8. I'm not a fan of Lupron, but I am a fan of you. I wanted to let you know that I heart your blog, so I gave you an award.

  9. It will be nice to be on the same timeframe - but I hope it results in a bfp that sticks around for 266 days after retrieval...I am really, really bloated and really, really nauseous - it has to be my e2 which is probably in the 2000s by now...thinking of you!

  10. I feel so excited at the beginning of the ovarian soreness, and by the end I'm a little less entralled!

  11. Wow, you are so close to retrieval!

    I just started the menopur and follistim last night and am just waiting for that tell-tale heaviness- it is so comforting to know that "it" is working.

    You have definitely paid your dues, time for the IF Fairy to pay you back!!! Good luck.


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