Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Reports from the petri dish: Fertilization

Of 15 eggs retrieved, 14 were mature, and of those, 11 fertilized without ICSI. (happy surprise!)

Hopefully our eleven little embryos are snuggling in to the petri dish lined with my co-cultured endometrial cells, aka the "womb away from home," dividing nicely with minimal fragmentation.

Set for day three transfer on Thursday, 3/12.

Please keep us in your thoughts. Hopefully this will be it.

Big question is: how many to put back? More on this later.


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  1. Those are some good numbers, Mo! You both are most definitely in my thoughts. I think you should tell them you're "all in" and see what their response is. Depending on quality, maybe 3? And, because I consider myself a Dr. Google trained RE, why aren't they suggesting a five day transfer with that many embryos?

  2. That's great! I'm so happy for you!!

  3. Yay - those are great numbers! And without ICSI! Like Melanie above, I'm wondering why not 5 day? I wouldn't put more than 2 in on a 5-day or possibly 3 back on a 3-day, but see what they say on transfer day. I'll be thinking of you both!

  4. that's so so so great! i'm very pleased with these numbers.

    sending tons of positive vibes your way and thinking about you lots :)


  5. That is wonderful news! 11 embryos! I'm so happy for you! I hope they all continue to grow beautifully in your co-culture cells. Good luck with deciding how many to put back.

  6. Woo-hoo!!! Sounds lovely!! Grow, little darlings, grow!!

  7. That sounds awesome. Put em all back and get your own reality show. I'll watch!

  8. Mo, this sounds really great. :)))
    I'm full of hope for you guys.
    Grow embryos, grow!

  9. Mo - this sounds awesome! What a great fertilization report. I'm thinking of you!!

  10. Congratulations!!! 11 sounds great. I would go with what the embryologist says. They are on the up and up at CRMI. At another clinic I transferred 6 once which were not great embies (3 6-cells and 3 4-cells) and immediately worried that I would have high order multiples that magically the 4 cell embies would pull through. I could have been octomom... ok minus the serious mental condition, the 6 prior kids, and the ability to survive an octuplet birth.

    Best of luck to you and your embies. :)

    They do day 3 transfers with co-culture because on day 3 they would have to switch out the culture medium anyway so if they did a day 5 the embryos would have to be switched to another culture medium and not be co-cultured anymore. At least that is what was explained to me when I did it.

  11. YAAA, that is an awsome count and so many are doing well. This is great news. Getting excited for you. With that many eggs that may grow well you could always freeze the ones you don't transfer :) Just a thought.

    I remember that wait but it will be here before you know it. The ET is just amazing and happens so fast. Be sure to just take it all in and enjoy the journey and the possibility iof "What could be?"

    We had 3 embryos that were awesome on day 3 and transfered all 3. I have had no issues at all no cramping, spotting or anything like that so Friday at our first U/S we will find out how many of those 3 took. It's a little scary to think about all 3 but I remember on day of transfer, Isaid I loved all 3 of them already. lol Keep you posted on Friday.

    Keep us all posted too. My fingers and toes are crossed and sending lots of prayers your way.


  12. excellent, excellent news! All our good vibes are going your way!

  13. You are definitely in my thoughts...

  14. That sounds wonderful! Thinking of you. :)

  15. Hooray! Wonderful report! Grow embies, grow!

    My 2 cents, for what it's worth, transfer 3. We tx 3 for #3 and never regretted it, in fact, I wish I had tx my poor little 4th one too...

  16. Woohoo! Go embies! Looking forward to hearing the debate over the number to put back....

  17. Fabulous report - I had three fertilize and I am about to write my next post - everyone IN the pool!!!!

  18. That is so great. I am excited for you!

  19. Congrats on such good news.

    You have given me much needed hope. I am going to retrieval the same day you are going to transfer. I am not using ICSI and it so encouraging you had success without it.

    Our clinic's embryologist now recommends day 3 over day 5. And I too have always gone with the doctors recommendation for what to transfer. I did both 2 and 3(but with poorer quality). What the hell...up your odds and "implant" all eleven!

    Best of luck to you this week!

  20. More positive news, this is great.

    Continued good luck.

  21. Those are awesome numbers!

    Sending lots of positive thoughts your way!!!!

  22. great news! will think good thoughts for your little ones.

  23. Nice fert report. Good luck on making that tough decision on how many to transfer.

  24. Congrats!!! I think 3 sounds good to transfer!! Good luck! Thinking of you!


  25. Congrats! So far, so good. I'm thinking of you and hoping for continued good luck!!!

  26. Wow. Great news! Fingers crossed for you.

  27. Why not put back all 11! You could get TLC show. Just kidding...
    You are absolutly in my thoughts.

  28. Happy Happy Hoping .... fingers crossed for you!!!!

  29. That's awesome! Good luck for your ET!!

  30. Yeaaahhh!!! What a great fert report! Grow, embies, grow!

  31. Congrats on the great fertilization report!

  32. Really great report!!!! I def will keep you and your little ones in my thoughts...
    In terms of # to put back, after a really great visit with my new RE I know that we will be putting 3 back from now on. He explained what noone else had, that the chances of pg goes up a good % (don't remember the exact #'s he used) and the chance of all 3 taking is approx. 1%...We def. will be doing 3, instead of the 2 we always have...
    Keep us posted! It is very exciting!!!!

  33. I'm thrilled for you both! That is an EXCELLENT fertilization report!

  34. Thinking VERY good thoughts here in California. Big congrats, my friend!

  35. SO happy!!! Can't wait to hear how the transfer goes.

  36. WOOOO HOOOO!!!

    Fabulous news!!!

  37. Fantastic news! I'm so pleased to hear this! Congratulations!!! WOOHOO!!!!

  38. Great fert report! Thinking lots of positive growing and dividing thoughts for your embies!

  39. Great fertilisation report!

    you are on the same cycle as a friend of mine - I'm praying for you two and your transfers tomorrow.

  40. Yay! I'm so glad 11 of them fertilized! And w/out ICSI!? That's crazy! :)

    Thinking of you & your transfer tomorrow. Looking forward to hearing how it goes!

  41. I'm thinking good thoughts for you and hoping today goes well.


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