Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sundays of grace #10

1. Walking in my neighborhood on a balmy spring evening. Everyone is out and in the warm air, everyone is just a bit more relaxed, dining at sidewalk cafes, strolling with their dogs, their spouses. Feeling like I can exhale and just be, not rushing for once to the next destination but just walking with my husband, Will.

2. Mmmm...a frosted black-and-white cookie from a local bakery. A last indulgence before stims start in the next few days. Seeing all the cupcakes and cookies lined up in their colored frosted assortments. Walking inside and being surprised by the crisp coolness, marvelling that it's warm enough that the air conditioner is on. What a difference a few weeks makes.

3. Gazing at all the apartments lining the avenue, their windows glowing yellow in the nighttime. Taking the time to notice the details of stained glass and carved wooden transoms. Appreciating all the lives, all the history, packed tightly into this one place.


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  1. wow - starting stims in the next few days, that is great. i have been thinking of you.

  2. beautiful descriptions of such lovely details-- it made me feel like I was taking a slow walk and really paying attention. Thank you for sharing and good luck as you begin this cycle! I'm pulling for you. Kate

  3. Mmm, hard to argue with a black & white cookie. Even harder to argue with a warm summery weekend! Ahhhh. :) I can't beleive we're starting stims in just a few days! I think I'll be starting on Friday, if all goes according to plan. Sending lots of good luck vibes in your direction. ~~~~

  4. Aaaaahhhh, my favorite city in the world, for so many reasons. And we'll be there this Thursday!

    As Seinfeld said: Look to the cookie!

    :) Good luck with stims!

  5. i love going for walks when it is dark enough to require lights inside, but outside you can still see.

    ...and, of course, i'm a little bit of a voyer and love to look in windows :)

    yea for starting stims soon!!

  6. What a great day!! Good luck this cycle! I'm pulling for you both!


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