Monday, May 18, 2009

7dp3dt: If I were paying attention to symptoms...

If I were paying attention to my symptoms, I might be noticing that I've been pretty crampy the past few days and a bit nauseated. Perhaps this is from the HCG booster, I have told myself, reminding myself to stay in the moment and not try to predict the outcome...

And then today, walking to get lunch, I was a little short of breath when I was walking quickly. I know I'm out of shape now and everything, but hmmm...I seem to recall higher heartrate/being more easily winded was a major early pregnancy symptom in the past.

Probably nothing. And I'm being all zen anyway and just staying in the moment, right? Riiiigggghhhhtttttt.

OK. Back to the dissertation with me.


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  1. :) you're not paying attention to any sx! ;) i think it's impossible!

    i'm still sending positive thoughts your way!!!

  2. All the very best! Praying for you.

  3. You are doing a great job over there. Hang in there just a little longer. Your 2 ww beta is Friday right? Almost there :)

    Praying and keeping my fingers crossed for you :)

    Think positive.

  4. I have no idea how you are able to concentrate on that dissertation!!!

  5. I seem to have been away for the main part of your IVF. Sending positive, hopeful vibes to you!!!

  6. Hang in there. It is hard not to over analyze. It is amazing you can work on a thesis and go through the 2ww! You just have to make it to Friday. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  7. You're awesome! It would be impossible not to notice all the little twinges and waves of this and that. Here's hoping your next four days go very quickly!!!

  8. Ohhhhh...right. Luckily you're in that zen place and not paying attention to any symptoms...

    :-) Hoping it's all for real.

  9. Only a few more days of waiting! :)

  10. I am hoping so hard for you.

  11. If you were paying attention, you might feeling early pregnancy. Enjoy the possibility.

    And be proud of yourself. You are so incredibly strong.

  12. All sounds good to me, BUT the HCG is even more evil than progesterone. Wishing it is so much more than the booster!!

  13. not too much longer for the real beta test - you're my zen inspiration!

  14. You might not be paying attention to your symptoms, but we are -- and they sound very encouraging! Hoping they prove to be good signs.

  15. Hi-

    I really like your writing and ideas. If you are interested in blogging for us, please drop me an email.

    Laurie Gordon
    Exectuve Editor

  16. I'll pay attention and you just concentrate on the dissertation. Is that possible?

    Keeping you in my thoughts!

  17. Hang in there, Mo! You're almost there. :) And it is impossible to stay zen all the time. Impossible.

  18. honestly, on pins and needles over here. If you're focusing on the dissertation, you're doing far better than me! Wishing you the best. Sending my hodgkin's homie all kinds of good, good vibes.

  19. I'm hoping with everything I've got! I'm amazed and impressed that you're able to focus on that dissertation of yours. To me, being in the 2ww was like having Attention Deficit Disorder - I couldn't focus on anything else. Just 2 more sleeps?

  20. Sending you all good thoughts as you stay in the moment....


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