Monday, July 6, 2009

Ehhhhh....(with update)

So the latest beta is in. It doesn't look good if you look at the two-day rise. Overall, it looks fine (since last Tuesday). It even looks fine if you skip just the Saturday value, which was astronomically high, and go back to the Thursday value. But since Sunday, the beta rise has really slowed down and is doubling far less than every two days... I haven't heard from the RE's office yet to find out their take on this but will add an update when I hear.

Latest beta? 3,159. Which is not so great since July 4th beta was 2,413. Granted the July 4th beta was drawn in the late afternoon and this one was drawn in the early morning, but still...

15dpo: 188
17dpo: 585
19dpo: 2,413
21dpo: 3,159 (akkk!)

Will and I are are both feeling yechy about this and wracked with worry. The not knowing is so, so difficult. And I am finding it almost impossible to focus on preparing for my dissertation defense. Which really MUST happen, oh, in just a couple of days.

Needless to say, I am no longer worried about a molar pregnancy.

It would not be much of a consolation prize, but maybe we'll get to take that trip of a lifetime in a few days after all...


**Update** Nurse from RE's office called. She seemed to think all was well, until I pointed out that we only had a 31% increase since Saturday. Then she didn't know what to think and suggested an ultrasound.

Thanks for those who commented that beta rise slows as it gets higher. That was great to hear! (and I think you know more than the nurse I just spoke to!). We'll see RE tomorrow morning for a first ultrasound and talk to him about what all this means. In the meantime, I'll try to chill. I really appreciate your patience and comments!

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  1. There must be very few pregnancies for which this amount of detailed day by day HcG info is available for comparison. It must be difficult for even an expert to guess what it means.

    Can you go take light yoga or meditation class? Go work in an internet free zone? Go have a tea with a close friend for family member? I'm in absolute empathy with you... just wish there was a way to turn off that analytical side to give yourself a break (mine is overactive too). Hugs...

  2. I agree with Sasa. I doubt most pregnancies have so many close together hcgs, so maybe the slow down doesn't really mean anything at all.
    Sorry about all the worry. Just wishing you would have SOMETHING go easily! Sending big hugs.

  3. With this current pregnancy, the higher my numbers, the more they slowed down. Does this make sense? This completely upset me because I already had in my mind what the numbers should be. Still early....

  4. When do you have your first u/s? That should help ease some worries! I feel your pain, though ... it's all I can do to NOT pee on a stick these days!

  5. Your levels are still rising and my understanding is that beta doubling time extends once levels reach 2,000. Once they are over 2,000 the gestational sac should be visible via ultrasound so, perhaps, that should be your next step vs. another beta.
    It also could be a vanishing twin...

  6. so my RE told me that after values cross into the thousands, the doubling times are less reliable and they really don't look at them.

    i'm interested to hear what your RE says.

    maybe you can do an US on yourself, too?? (i can't tell you how many times i was tempted....)

  7. I've heard the same thing as strongblonde. Once the betas reach somewhere between 1,500 and 2,000 the doubling time slows and it is not a significant indicator of the viability of the pregnancy. Good luck! Keep us updated!

  8. I'm no beta expert, but it makes logical sense...fingers crossed for a beautiful ultrasound.

    Sending you 'focusing' vibes...I know you need it, and I cannot imagine how you could possibly do it.

    You're a strong strong woman!

  9. I think this is why generally we do betas 48 hrs apart instead of every day. I still have high hopes for ya!

  10. I have absolutely heard that doubling time slows down once you're in the thousands. I was told to stop having betas once I hit 1,400. I also suspect you may be off of your ovulation date. I'm still very hopeful for you!

  11. Good luck on US tomorrow!!!

    I, too, became very worried when my betas slowed down. Wish I could tell you exactly when that was, but I know it was in the thousands and I worried like crazy until the ultrasound.

    Wishing you happy news tomorrow.

  12. I agree with what everyone has already said...I don't think many clinics do more than two betas do there really isn't much to compare it to....

    I hope your ultrasound is soon so you can set the worry aside.

  13. Fingers crossed... I am hoping the ultrasound confirms what others are saying... the hcG just doesn't rise as quickly once it gets so high...

  14. I would say don't worry too much at this point! Since the time between the current beta test and the last one was less than 48 hours, the doubling values were less reliable anyway!

    Just enjoy your pregnancy for now and wait for your ultrasound!

  15. I hope that everything is ok. The beginning is so hard especially with previous losses. Good luck tomorrow.

    Maybe not focusing too much on your dissertation is what you need right now? My friends had to take my books and papers away from me on the way to the defense. I kept looking things up frantically and I was a mess and really in the end they asked me none of the things I was worried about. Best of luck to you on the defense as well.

  16. STOP with the betas! You are only causing yourself undue anxiety at this point - your numbers are beautiful. Betas do slow down and people usually do not have 4 in such a short time. Good luck at the u/s!!

  17. I agree with those who said your hCG doesn't rise as quickly once it gets as high as yours was. Hope for the best at your u/s tomorrow!! Good luck, Mo & Will!!!!

  18. Mo, thank you for the lovely comment on my blog. I know this is impossible, but try not to worry. Your betas really look great to me (yes, even the 4th one). My RE also told me that the doubling time slows as the numbers get higher.

    Take a look at to compare your beta numbers. You'll notice that your 21 dpo is still way higher than the median!

  19. If it makes you feel any better, my beta only had a 30% increase and the pregnancy is progressing well. We heard a strong heartbeat last week. Hang in there! x

  20. Well I am hoping that all goes well. I am sure it will...I too have heard that Beta levels slow down when they get higher. Sending HUGS!!!

  21. My husband is a doc ... family medicine. I showed him your numbers. He said that they were not definitely indicative of a problem. That your next blood draw would be very telling ... I would keep your hopes up until told otherwise!

  22. I am going to remain confident that this is just the #s slowing down. I am hoping that you do not get to go on your vacation of a lifetime.

  23. Hey Mo,

    I loved seeing all of your exciting news when I signed back into my blog after a few months away. Sending you calm and positive thoughts, and patience for tomorrow.

  24. My doc won't even do betas after he's seen a good doubling number, because of this very issue.

    Step away from the hCG tests. (I know, I know. I wouldn't be able to resist, either.) And I know it's no good telling you not to worry, because you will.

    Good luck with your dissertation, I'm thinking of you, and will await tomorrow's update eagerly.

  25. I know very little re the details of betas, but I've heard the same thing re the massive rise then the slowdown. So maybe if things could really go this way, this slowdown would be safe. I don't know if it is or not, but am rooting for you still. Gawd I'd like this to work out for you - to have good things happen to good people finally.

  26. Sending you good vibes for your ultrasound. I too had a weird positive HPT yesterday after miscarrying a month ago.

    But unlike you - my beta was not followed back to zero.

    Still hoping I may follow in your footsteps.

  27. Hang in there little one! Get to work and double your numbers! You are in my thoughts! :)

  28. I just wanted to drop by to tell you that I'm thinking of you and I won't tell you not to worry because I know it's impossible when you have a history of loss! My motto with this pregnancy should become yours too ... this time CAN be different! I agree with the PP regarding slowing of the beta rise and am hopeful that you will see a beautiful gestational sac on the u/s tomorrow!

  29. Wonderful, wonderful, congratulations!

  30. thinking of you
    and hoping all will be well.


  31. Other commenters are correct that the slope of the line decreases with time. Best wishes!!!


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