Sunday, November 29, 2009

The return of Sundays of Grace (#18)

After a long hiatus, I have decided to resurrect Sundays of Grace, a weekly post about the things I am grateful for. This weekly post reflects my conscious attempt to be mindful of the many people, places, and moments in life that fill me with wonder and gratitude. I last posted a Sundays of Grace in August. It's about time I got back to remembering all the things going right, all of the reasons to be thankful.

So without further ado, three things that I am grateful for:

1. Watching my puppy leap around the dogrun like a little deer (a 26 lb. deer!), her ears cocked, her little white socks kicking up dust. She is beautiful!

2. Getting active again and remembering how good it feels to move my body and experience that soreness that comes from working muscles that haven't been pushed to the max in a long time.

3. Taking a risk, getting my hair lopped off at the hairdressers this week. As I was there, thinking how lucky I am to have hair to lop off - remembering back to 10 years ago when I had none and being filled with gratitude.


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  1. I should try this. It's so hard to remember what is good when so many things still feel bad. Have fun getting a new 'do!

  2. Haircut! I can't wait to see it! Inspired by your excellent example, I bought a trainer for my bike so that I will be a bit more inspired to get my own self moving. Hope you had a good thanksgiving.

  3. I think this may be something I pick up as well (if you dont mind me playing along :) I get so wrapped up in the busy-ness of life that I forget to focus on the things I am grateful for. I just chopped my hair off too! :)

  4. This is a great idea. It is so easy to get caught up in the one big thing we don't have, that we lose sight of what we do have. Thanks for reminding me of this ;-). YAY for getting moving again. I've been working out 2 hours a day, 7 days a week. Trying to get rid of as much weight as I can before this next cycle starts. I just chopped my hair off too. LOVE it!

  5. Good call, Mo.

    I keep flipping between, "yes we have SO much to be thankful for..." and meaning it. Truly meaning it and back again to "F that. Tell me again why I have to be ok with what I have been handed (or not). Why is that?"

    I need to keep trying to balance closer to the former and not the latter. If you can be graceful, so can I.

    Do we get a sneak of the new do? Hmm?

  6. Hi, I came across your blog through Planet Cancer. I still have Refractory Hodgkin's Lymphoma and was looking into IVF options... I see you have had 5 attempts. Wow, I have become a follower of your writings. I have a question for you.... I have read that the cost of IVF is SUPER expensive (if you are on a fixed income), were you required to pay a large amount for each attempt? I am 28 with one daughter that is six. Unfortunately I'm not "close" to being done with cancer yet... but I am looking at my options if I maybe have a chance later to have babies.... Thank you. Hopefully I will talk to you again.

    Dawn R.

  7. Hi Mo... thanks for commenting on my blog. I read yours all the time and love the great perspective you have. You don't even know how much it has helped me. You've made me laugh and cry, and let me know that I'm not alone in this difficult journey. Your determination is inspiring and I wish you the best of luck in the future. Thank you for sharing your story. :-)

  8. Love your post!

    Please post pics of your haircut - before and afters :)

  9. Hey Mo I visit your blog regularly-need to get my ass in gear and comment more! Anyway I love your list and am so happy for you. Also totally jealous that you've been doing all that working out!!! Good on you :) Take care,


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