Friday, December 4, 2009

Day 3 bloods back from Denver and things are looking...good? Huh?

Just heard from Denver clinic.

My day 3 bloods are back and are shockingly good.

FSH = 5.5
E2 = 33.2
AMH = 1.4

AMH is a new one for us, so I'm not sure what to make of it. They said anything over 1.0 is fine. Does that sound right? My old clinic doesn't do AMH.

As for the FSH and E2, these are better than I've ever had. By comparison, before IVF #4 (last March), my FSH = 6.8 and E2 = 32.7, and before IVF #5 (last May), my FSH = 7.0 and E2 = 30.

Didn't think FSH ever went down, but mine seems to be doing so, and E2 isn't really rising. Weird. But I'll take it. Anybody know more about this than we do and care to enlighten me?

Looks like things are a go for the Denver cycle in Jan or Feb. Still waiting to hear on when we're scheduled to begin and what the protocol is.

Dare I say that I'm feeling a bit excited about the prospect of cycling again?

Some people never learn.


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  1. I apparently don't learn either.

    I've always heard that FSH fluctuates.

    Great news on the tests.

  2. Wunderbar!! Those are some nice levels, lady. My clinic does AMH testing with some new-fangled index test which they offered me and neglected to tell me that it wasn't covered my insurance and I later received a bill for $1,000 - ARGH!

    Anyway -- AMH is only secreted by follies at their tiniest, <4mm. So, it's a great test to see what your potential is, much more accurate that an ultrasound antral follicle count which is impacted by which way your ovaries are presenting themselves that day and how hung over your u/s tech may be.

    Here are the ranges:
    High (often PCOS) -- Over 3.0 ng/ml
    Normal -- Over 1.0 ng/ml
    Low Normal Range -- 0.7 - 0.9 ng/ml
    Low -- 0.3 - 0.6 ng/ml
    Very Low -- Less than 0.3 ng/ml

    So you are perfect! Mine came back at 0.1 back in September of 2008, when I promptly set the piece of paper on fire and pretended like that I'm the one woman where AMH doesn't matter. And who knows -- I have gotten pregnant twice since then. But I digress.

    As far as FSH goes, I've heard some REs say that your FSH is only as good as the worst test you've had since it fluctuates throughout the cycle. But if 7.0 is your worst, you're still a superstar. And that E2 is sparkling.

    Lookin' good, toots! Great news!

  3. I like to think of it as persistent. Your numbers ARE good.

    As far as AMH - this is a good article.

  4. Those look like fertile numbers to me. :)

  5. I really hope this works out for you this time. I'm sure
    it is hard to get excited at this point...but you always have to have hope!! I'll be praying for you!

  6. Your Day 3 numbers kick ass. Yes, FSH does fluctuate, but Denver clinic's stance on it is that you are only as good as your "worst" FSH. I try not to focus on the numbers too much. If I did, I would have never gotten to transfer this cycle.

    BTW, did you start your acupuncture?

  7. Wow - those numbers are freaking awesome!!!! Thanks to Lara for the AMH info!

  8. I found the same numbers as Lara on AMH
    So you're kicking ass!
    My number for AMH were way different, but I'm sure it was the Canadian vs US units thing again.
    So happy you got some good news, and I'll be eagerly following your cycle in the new year.

  9. Not learning is something that keeps us trying, which hopefully helps us succeed!! That and we're just suckers for punishment!

  10. That looks awesome. Great news! Here's to cracking the door open a bit and letting hope in!

  11. Sorry...I am a dunce when it comes to RE never does it unless you have some known issue...he monitors everything by ultrasound and only does bloodwork when something warrants saves a lot of money for the patient. He managed to get my 40 year old ovaries working and I have a beautiful son from it so I guess it just depends on the patient.

    Overall I think today is a good day for a lot of people...I got the call today that we are the proud new parents of 5 beautiful embryos. We will do FET with adopted emnbryos in early March...I cannot wait!....not to lose 15lbs before March 11th.


  12. That's great! I think it's pretty common for FSH to fluctuate from cycle to cycle. That's great it went down, though! Crossing everything for you both!!

  13. Yea!! This is exciting! I can't wait to follow your cycle. I also have never heard of AMH...thanks for the education Lara!!!

  14. WOOHOO!!!! Yay for being excited again about cycling! My clinic only does AMH, which I found to my dismay when trying to compare to anyone else out there. Your numbers do look great, btw!

  15. Great news Mo! I've also heard that FSH fluctuates depending on external factors - acupuncture or perhaps your new and improved eating and exercise regimen? Who knows! I say take it and RUN. Here's so a fantastic cycle with long-lasting success...

  16. Your numbers look awesome Mo! That itself would help shoot the levels of hope out of the roof! Good luck!

  17. We never learn. But that's because the prize at the end, if we ever get there, is the most amazing prize we could ever dream of. So I guess we're all prepared to put ourselves through this hell to get there. Hopefully your next cycle will not be hell and all will go smoothly. So happy to hear results are good and things are moving along for you. Hugs.

  18. No answers for you...but glad things are looking good.

  19. I think those numbers are great! And while I know you don't have super high hopes for this cycle--let all of us hold onto hope for you--and hey, it's great to at least start with the numbers on your side! Wishing you nothing but the best.

  20. Great news! Sounds like things are off to a very promising start. I'm so glad!

  21. Hey Mo? I'm excited about you cycling again too.
    So there.
    Your numbers are great.

    thinking of you

  22. Those do look great! And thank you to Lara for the AMH explanation. My RE has ordered it for me, and I've never heard of it before. He never used to test this two years ago.

  23. On the AMH...I'm 28. My AMH was 1.3. I've been told that's in "normal range" (my clinic says anything over 1.2 is normal), but low for my age. Not iminent danger, but not exactly a ton of time to waste either.

    I'd say by the age on your profile, that 1.4 is pretty darn good!

    Glad things are all set for Denver!


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