Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mo's shape up plan: week 8: Two steps forward, one step back

OK. So last week was my birthday.

And I celebrated.

Maybe I celebrated a little too much.


Was hoping that somehow certain eating and exercise behaviors might slip by unnoticed, but, ahem, no.


Here's the damage:

Total Exercise: 240 minutes. All running on treadmill.

Diet: Good at the beginning of the week, with a downward trend that somewhat exploded into badness by the end of the week. But my, oh my, was it good.

Items of Clothing Earned: 1 (because the beginning several days of the week, I was good, really!)

Weight Gained: GAINED! This is supposed to say "Weight Lost!" Sadness: 1.6 lbs.

Weight Lost Overall: 9.2 lbs.

Total BodyFat Lost: 5.17 lbs.

Your birthday is SO OVER, girl. Get it in gear!


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  1. Happy Birthday Mo!
    Dont worry about the steps back and forth, it is all about moving int he right direction :)

  2. That picture just makes me hungry.

  3. Best.Picture.EVER!

    Good luck!

  4. But I thought Birthday Calories don't count? Hmmmmmm...

  5. Exactly what Duck said above!!! No worries, you are heading in the right direction!!! And, you've inspired me!!!!! I need to get a good positive reinforcement plan going on, but, so far so good!!!!!!!

  6. You are still my hero! I agree about the gold medal - 240 minutes of running is amazing. I am out of breath just thinking about it.

    I on the other hand am still celebrating Christmas it seems. Please feel free to send death threats and ass kicking my way at any time.

  7. Just keep up the good work. When I was on WW and exercising, I would always gain a little due to monthly issues and then the next week be back to normal or down a lot. You never know. That being said...the photo of that eclair looks really good.

  8. You're doing great. The secret is not to eat EVERY day like its a party! Happy Birthday!

  9. Happy Birthday! And birthdays are for celebrating, so whatever happens with the scale during a birthday week doesn't affect your shape-up karma. Besides, isn't it healthier to shake things up a little to keep your metabolism on its toes, so to speak? I'm impressed with the 240 minutes of running- that's a LOT! Which means you must've really celebrated the birthday to have not lost any weight this week.

    Here's wishing you the best year ever!

  10. Happy Birthday! And good job on your weight loss plan. Almost 10 lbs now - you are doing fabulous!

  11. Happy Birthday Mo! You deserve all the cake you want! (I'm not an enabler at all, am I?) :)

  12. happy bday!
    My birthday is Monday and I have already ordered like I am celebrating, so I can imagine a similar gain. Ah well.

  13. Happy Belated! My birthday was on Tuesday. I wanted to say I'm so sorry for your loss through 5 miscarraiges but also I wanted to wish you lots of luck for 2010. I've been through 6 IVF cycles. I have my family now and I blog to help others going through infertilty. I just added you onto my blogroll. Check it out!

  14. Happy belated birthday! I'm so glad you did celebrate! Life is too short not to.

    Well, I'm on the weight loss plan too. Mine is something like the grief/trauma diet. Nothing like a little cycle failure to motivate you to diet (read don't feel like eating/working out so I'm so exhausted I won't feel sad).


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