Monday, March 15, 2010

Update on the Denver Sixteen, and a decision made

We talked to the head embryologist today to get the Day 3 update on the Denver Sixteen. And generally, they seem to be doing pretty well.

The embryologist said we want to see at least six cells for the Day 3 embryos and at least three cells on our late bloomers, the Day 2 embryos.

So, of the original 13, we have:
9 eight cell embryos
1 nine cell embryo

and then some that are probably no longer with us:
2 two cell embryos
1 three cell embryo

Of the 3 late fertilizers, which are basically on Day 2, we have:
1 three cell embryo
1 four cell embryo
and 1 one cell embryo (so, not dividing)

So there are still 12 embryos in the running for blastocyst. Whoo hoo!

I am so, so hoping we have a good number make it to biopsy.

Thank you so much for all of your thoughts re: whether to send the NYC embryos to Denver for biopsy or not. I was surprised that almost all of you agree with Will that they should be sent and biopsied.

After much thought (and a little surrendering), I have agreed to take the embryo plunge. Paperwork is signed and notorized at both clinics, metal mushroom has been shipped from Denver, and tomorrow, our six NYC embryos will begin their journey westward, arriving in Denver Wednesday.

Fed Ex, Please be careful with our precious cargo!!!

Stay tuned, more updates to follow.


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  1. Those are still some fantastic numbers, and you decided to go the shipping route! Can't wait to hear how that goes. Are you back yet? When's your next update - day 5? And then, what - 3 weeks for FSH?

  2. I have been following you for awhile and felt compelled to write and say that I am keeping you, Will and your embies in my thoughts.
    Very exciting and only hoping for more good news!

  3. fantastic results! So hopeful for you!

  4. This may sound odd - and often my mind works in strange ways - but when you said that your NY embryos were on their way to Denver my first thought was "family vacation". I know that this has been nothing like a holiday, but at least your family will all be together for a while.

    Best of luck to you.

  5. I am so very hopeful for you!

  6. Wow! what great 3 day numbers! and go little precocious ones!

    Let me be clear about one thing Mo, whatever you decide, whatever, whenever, about any of this, you have my full support. It is easy to sit here and play armchair quarterback, but it is nearly impossible to make certain types of decisions in real life, I know that. I hate setting myself up to second guess. So much of what I do I call "regret management", what will I regret more/less? And there is the part of relationship that really matters-- the, is this worth causing trouble in my relationship question that sometimes offers me guidance. sometimes the answer is hell yes.

    Listen, everything you are doing is hard (like I have to tell you that), and there are no "right" answers-- only the answers that feel best to you considering everything, and sometimes best just means least shitty and I know that too.

    But know, no matter what, there's a slightly crazed redhead pulling for you here in NH, with ALL of my considerable might.

    Here's to plentiful blastocysts, the magic of vitrification, and the CCRM embryo lab--
    here's to great results and many options for now and later.

    and here, right now, is a toast to your immense bravery-
    I salute you.

    with love,

  7. Wow! Those are some big numbers. I got a twinge of embryo envy. I am rooting for you the whole way!

  8. Those sound like some great numbers. The hope is alive and thriving for you!

  9. Crossing my crossables for you, it all sounds like things are going well,



  10. i am hopeful with these numbers. i like to think that the whole experience has been so much better. it has to have a different outcome, right?

    thinking lots about you guys :)


  11. Those are great numbers for day 3! I'm so happy for you. Here comes some more good wishes for great embryos. Keep plugging away as things seem to be moving in the absolute right direction.

  12. Whooo hoo indeed! 12 at
    Day 3 is rock star numbers! Great job Mo and Will!

    Here's to a very safe journey for your frozen embabies.

  13. Great numbers! Well, you know, Will is a smart guy ... he married you! :-)

  14. are you freezing all the embryos or transferring them at day 5? just curious

  15. I'm loving "the denver 16." I'm pleased to see that so many are still doing well, and I hope that the journey west for the rest goes smoothly. Best of luck to you and Will on this -- we are rooting for you!

  16. Wow, those are great numbers! Wishing you the best of luck!


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