Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sundays of grace #30

1. Dinner this weekend in a backyard garden in Brooklyn with Sprogblogger and her husband, Will and me. Warm spring night candlelight dining under the trees. So wonderful to experience a friendship unfolding and to see it develop even into couples' friends. Definitely something to be grateful for.

2. Will has had the opportunity to moonlight this weekend, earning some much needed extra funds for us. It's meant he's worked 20 hours today and yesterday, including an overnight, pretty grueling in addition to his regular work schedule. Hard as that schedule is, we both know we are so lucky to even have jobs in this economy and even luckier to have opportunities like this come up so that we can dig out of the debt from the last IVF and tuck some funds away for the next one.

3. Dare I say it? Seems like summer weather out there yesterday and today. Time for barbecues and picnics and warm evening strolls in the city. Will and I are both working today, but maybe tonight we can take little Ms. Moxie for a walk along the river. Soak up the warm air and walk hand in hand with our Boxer puppy.


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  1. Hi Mo, and thanks for your comment on my blog. I will add you to my blogroll and follow along. Maybe we will even end up out in Denver at the same time next month. If we go forward with this next cycle, we would have a retrieval tentatively on the 2nd of June. I'll have to read through your IVF #7 entries to see what your schedule might be. I wish you the best of luck! I see you have been through the wringer for sure and I'm so sorry about it all. Take care!

  2. Loving the weather (tody's monsoon notwithstanding)- and love it when blog friendships develop into real-world ones. It always seems like an extra bit of luck and grace from the universe when the people who hold you up out here turn out to be people you really like out there.

  3. I love this series! Today I am stressing about the effects of Depot Lupron treatment on a fresh cycle, but I should step back and remember that I am so lucky to even have the funds to pay for it.

    I can tell you derive great comfort from your four-legged child. We have two dogs, and they are honestly one of my biggest comforts. I can take my maternal instinct out on them, and they are the most loyal souls I know. : )

  4. ah....moonlighting. isn't it such a double edged sword? love the dough. hate the way you feel afterward!

    we've been having a great spring, too. so glad that you were able to have a great little outdoor bbq with friends! :) those are the best days!!!


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