Friday, June 25, 2010

IVF #7: Day 7 blast results

One more blast joined its "siblings" today - a 4BB. And everything shipped out for testing.

So ultimately we've got a total of 7 to work with - same as last cycle. Now if the same number turn out to be normal, we'd be thrilled. But we'll be happy with one or two normals too.

Hopefully in there somewhere is a real live take home baby or two. That's the bottom line. It doesn't matter how many blasts we have or how many normals there are as long as whatever we get sticks and grows and can be delivered and join our family.


We are so ready to have a family.


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  1. Of course, I'm sorry the news wasn't even better. But fingers and toes are tightly crossed for normal results!

  2. Three cheers for late-bloomer embryo!

    And three cheers for you guys. I'm crossing everything crossable (which, at this point is less fingers or even legs than it is eyes...) that you get a whole slew of 'normals' out of this one. So that the fun can begin! Because Thor needs a NYC playmate, darnitall.

  3. Seven is a good number! Here's hoping for stellar testing results!

  4. I'll second that. It's about darn time. Please. I hope testing brings good news soon...

  5. When do you find out the results of the testing?!? HUGS!

  6. I am wishing you all the best! Keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers.

  7. You guys continue hanging in there and taking things one at a time.

    Here is hoping for a solid number of normals from this batch.

    I am very much looking forward to your transfer and am pulling for you from afar.

  8. Please does not even begin to cover it.
    7! hot damn. I am so glad you have so many to work with.
    here's hoping for great results so that you can breathe a little. Hope you are feeling better from the stim, and
    gosh darn
    I feel for you about the phone timing-- I swear it is one of murphy's laws.

    IVF7, 7 day blasts, 7 embryos.
    sounds pretty lucky to me.

  9. 7 is good, I hope a few turn out to be real live take home babies for you too! Everything is crossed for you!

  10. I know you'd want more (who doesn't always think that, no matter what they have?) but Lucky Number 7!! Now the long ass wait begins......

  11. You never cease to amaze me with all your strength. Sending lots of prayers!

  12. I feel ya on that on sister!

  13. IVF #7, Day 7, 7 blasts - looks like a lucky 7s pattern! I hope you get the results as quickly as possible.

  14. I'm hoping and hoping for those lucky 7 embryos!

  15. Seven sounds like a perfectly wonderful number, lucky 7 cycle too!
    Keeping everything crossed and throwing up prayers for your 7 to be perfect and off to a babe or two in the near future...

  16. Hoping had for you. It's your turn, damn it!!!

  17. I am only thinking about your success... all other outcomes are not an option!

  18. Seven is a great number!!! Fingers crossed that the results won't take long and that a Real Live Baby is in your future!

  19. I'm hoping for you. Maybe 7 is your lucky number?


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