Monday, October 31, 2011

If we dressed up for Halloween

Mo's costume
Pretty much sums up how I feel about my eggs these days...

Will's costume
minus the condom logo, other "sperm," and merchandise

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  1. Ha! That is hilarious...I love that egg costume. Does anyone know where to get a broken ovary costume?

  2. LOL! Can you imagine the attention you - either of you - would get with one of those costumes walking around the neighborhood?! Would be much more amusing for me than all the princesses and superheros we're sure to see (and be bored by) this evening.

  3. Lol! I'd be interested to see someone wearing those.

  4. My husband really did mention the sperm constume...thank goodness we didn't dress up this year. In keeping with the theme I could have gone as a pin cushion!


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