Friday, February 24, 2012

4w6d beta hcg (15dp5dt)

I snuck in for another beta HCG this morning, just to check on things, since I haven't had any bloodwork done since Monday...

I didn't realize how scared I was until 1pm rolled around, 2pm, and still no call.

I called the local RE's office and left a message, asking for the results.

Which thankfully just came.

Beta level 15dp5dt = 3,032
Progesterone = 28.2

Doubling time of 35.22 hours overall. Phew!! We are still doubling!

Things are still on track. One step at a time. One day at a time.

I just scheduled a first ultrasound for a week from today, when I will be 5 weeks, 6 days. Hoping to see a yolk sac and maybe a fetal pole by then. Heartbeat would be a bonus, but I know it will still be early.

For this moment, happy!!


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  1. YAAAY! Congrats Mo! Could there potentially be 2 heartbeats??

  2. Yay!!!!!! I called it before..and I'll say it again- two healthy, happy babies will be yours and Will's in 9 or so months!! Enjoy this moment. Can't wait for the u/s!!

  3. Totally awesome! I also think you might be looking at two with those fast doubling rates :)

  4. Such a beautiful number! Congratulations for the doubling!

  5. Great news! :-) Have a good weekend!

  6. OMG, that is SUCH great news (I was just about to check in on you when I checked my reader). Such a relief for you and Will, I am sure, and a nice kick off to the weekend.

    Just for comparison, at 14dp5dt my beta was 300 and at 19dp5dt it was 1591 with a singleton. Just sayin.

  7. Yes!! I didn't realize I was essentially holding my breath waiting for an update until I saw this... exhale. What fantastic news!

  8. Yay! So glad that the numbers are still good.

  9. oh my god mo! i said twins before, but now i'm thinking triplets! the sure thing is that this is no singleton! congrats! can't wait for the ultrasound!

  10. Those a very strong numbers!!! I'm thinking twins!!! since my numbers were nearly identical! My 15dp5dt number was 3428, with similar doubling times:) So excited for you!!!

  11. I am soooo sooo happy for you!!! I'm thinking what everyone else is thinking over here! Twins....

  12. Since I've seen singletons with that high of a beta, there is still that possibility, but either a super high singleton or twins should make you very happy. Doubling time leans more towards twins though. Cannot wait for your 6 week u/s!

  13. So happy for you. One day at a time!!! XOXOXOXO

  14. Wow, that's a beautiful, strong doubling time... *chirp* *chirp* (I won't say it, but you know what I'm thinking!)

    May today's happy moment be followed by a lifetime of happy moments that far surpass this one.

  15. Yahooo! Love a nice strong beta like that! Enjoy it :)

  16. Yay!! Great news! Keeping you in my happy healthy baby thoughts and prayers!

  17. Happy Dance! Happy Dance! Fingers toes and eyes remain crossed for good things and only good news here on out. *salt over shoulder* *knock on wood* *etc etc etc*

  18. Yay! This is delightful news, thank you for the update!

  19. I don't know whether you're for or against twins (I know the important thing is take-home-baby, regardless of number!), but I can confirm that at 21 DPO (as near as I could figure with the FET), my HCG levels were over 4,000 with a singleton.

    Any way you look at it though, that's a nice strong number, especially considering the doubling time is supposed to slow around this point. At the moment, everything is working exactly as it should. Go you!

  20. Most excellent! That is one solid pregnancy! FWIW, put me in the camp of a beta that high with a singleton (LG); the twin pregnancy that resulted in Tiny Boy on the other hand was only around 1000 at 5.5 weeks...

  21. Woohooo! So happy to read this. Hope you relax and celebrate this weekend.

  22. Wow! Hoping so hard for you guys.

  23. YAY! What a great number and awesome continued doubling time!!!
    Hoping SO hard for you for at least one beautiful take home baby this time!! And, for what it's worth, your betas have been perfectly in line with mine when I was preggers with my twin girls =). Can't wait to hear on the u/s!
    So thrilled for you guys!!

  24. Relentless hope, optimism that hurts, high expectations, unexplained, unexplainable inability to give up on your children. That's momming.

  25. Woohooo...maybe 2 heartbeats instead of just one?

  26. Awesome beta!! That's about where I was at the same point and we had a singleton (ESET). If it isn't twins, I predict girl since they tend to have higher HCG levels.

    To answer your question from Thursday, I had moderate cramping pretty much every day throughout the first trimester (after a while I got so used to it, I started to worry if I *didn't* feel crampy). I take it as a good sign.

    So glad to hear all is going well!

  27. Great news Mo, everything on track. So happy.


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