Monday, November 12, 2012

Newborn pics

Here is Ms. Magpie, still in the hospital at three days old. We think she is beautiful.


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  1. Delurking to say she is absolutely perfect. I am so, so thrilled for you. I can't even say how many tears I've shed for you. So pleased to finally have happy tears.

  2. Oh Mo. She is so beautiful!! Congrats to you both!!!

  3. SHe is absolutely perfect!!

  4. She looks so wise. I love her dark hair and cute button nose.

    Hope you're getting some sleep, and she is improving her feeding.

    Well done.

  5. She IS beautiful! Aw, congratulations again, she's just perfect.

  6. I think she's beautiful, too.

    Looking forward to reading about your adventures in parenthood!!!

  7. gorgeous! :) I am so happy for you.

  8. Aw, she is such a cutie! Absolutely beautiful!

  9. Wow. She sure is. Smiling from ear to ear at these. Thanks for posting them.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Yay, baby pics!! She *is* beautiful. Absolutely perfect.

  12. you are correct! She IS beautiful! Happy happy joy joy!

  13. She IS so beautiful! Perfection! So very happy for you and Will. :)

  14. She is gorgeous! So very happy for you!

  15. Of course she is beautiful! Thanks for sharing--hope you are hanging in there :)

  16. Congratulations! She is beautiful :)

  17. Oh, Mo! She is absolutely breath taking! And even more than that, I bet she is going to be a strong, intelligent woman as well!

    Congratulations again

  18. She could not be more perfect, nor could she be more loved, I'm sure.

  19. Absolutely adorable! Thank you for sharing!!! :)

  20. Oh just LOOK at her! So perfect. So lovely! (can't wait to meet her! trying to get down in early December!)

    And well done on the photos. One of my greatest regrets is that despite having approximately 35gazillion photos of Hen, I have only a few (bad ones) from his first few days. And they grow so quickly...

    Hope things are a bit easier in the feeding department & that you're getting a bit more rest. Thinking of you all every day.

  21. She is absolutely adorable. I believe that she is praying and thanking God for her parents.

  22. thank you for sharing her pictures!
    and we also think she is beautiful!

    just look at those lips! and that soft hair! i can almost smell her :)

    congratulations, mo and will- what a magical time for your new family of three!

  23. Beautiful and perfect! Hope you are loving her up!

  24. You are absolutely right -- what a charmer!

  25. Beautiful doesn't begin to describe this gorgeous little baby girl....LOVE her!!! Congrats!!!

  26. She's beautiful! Congratulations!

  27. She is absolutely beautiful! Also, those eyes - she looks wise beyond her years, er, days.

  28. So beautiful and what a lovely head! I know c-sections are the pits, but man, those newborn photos with perfect round heads almost (well, not really) make it worth it... maybe?

    Also, I'm sure your doula told you, but it's totally normal for csection mamas to have a delay in your milk coming in. Plus, you were on pitocin and that slows things down. I know you're on the mend, but I just wanted you to know that you're not broken! It's all working and it just takes time. I'm sorry you're dealing with nursing struggles but I'm so happy to hear your working to find a breastfeeding solution.

  29. Oh my word...believe is not just you....she IS gorgeous. What a beautiful baby girl. Congratulations again.

  30. She is gorgeous and perfect! So very happy for you.

  31. Oh my! She is simply breathtaking!

  32. Mo- she is gorgeous! I hope you're healing well and getting rest.

  33. She is absolutely perfect in every way! SO happy for y'all!

  34. Yep, you are right. She is beautiful I could not possibly be happier for you. Enjoy this time with your perfect baby.

  35. What a lovely small person! Hello Ms. Magpie-- so glad to see your sweet face! Hoping that sleep has continued to improve and that nursing is a smidge less overwhelming. Also really hoping that you're done with the night sweats, because those were the pits!

  36. She is absolutely beautiful. Try not to stress out too much about the breast feeding, she is perfect and will continue to be with or without breastmilk. Congratulations on your gorgeous daughter!

  37. She is absolutely stunning. A true miracle. <3

  38. She is precious ; ) Beautiful & perfect in every way, you must be so in love!

  39. Isn't it surreal that she is REAL? and HERE? and so HUGGABLE and LOVEABLE and REAL.


  40. Adorable!!! Hope you are hanging in there!

  41. She is GORGEOUS!! My heart is filled with happiness for you!

  42. You are SO right - she is absolutely beautiful! Really and truly - not just in the "I'm saying this because it's a new baby" way - she has the loveliest little face! Well done you two!

  43. You are SO right - she is absolutely beautiful! Really and truly - not just in the "I'm saying this because it's a new baby" way - she has the loveliest little face! Well done you two!

  44. So beautiful!! What a blessing after such a long journey.

  45. Oh my, she is just gorgeous! Thank you for sharing!! I'm so happy for you. :)

  46. Well, isn't she just the cutest little thing.

    Hope all is well as you adjust to being new parents and a family of 3.

  47. She is just lovely, and I am so thrilled for you both. I look forward to reading about the adventures of your family and how Magpie grows and how your puppy dog likes being a " big sister".

  48. That is one sweet little baby. Well done! All the best to the three of you. Enjoy the normal!

    Physician chick from the great white north..

  49. I am not quite sure that beautiful even accurately depicts her because she is beyond beautiful!!! Just so incredibly beautiful! Many congrats again and I can't wait to watch her grow and read all about it.

  50. Breathtaking! Just breathtaking! Mo, your daughter is so very beautiful.

    Hope things are getting easier with feedings and healing/night sweats. xoxo

  51. Seriously?
    oh my my. Mo, what a beautiful baby.

  52. Your baby girl is beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing! Hope everyone is well.

  53. Perfect, other than my three kids of course, phew, almost got in trouble there :).

  54. So incredibly beautiful! So very, very happy for you!

  55. She is magnificent! An old soul.

    And wow, the 3D ultrasounds were so accurate.

    So, so happy for you.

  56. So beautiful! So, so happy for you!

  57. She is incredibly gorgeous and beautiful. I am so happy for you all!

  58. She is perfect for sure. Congrats again. She was well worth the wait :)

  59. Beautiful!! Hope you're enjoying the newborn snuggles!!

  60. she is beautiful. so much love and well wishes coming your way xoxoxo

  61. That is one beautiful wide-awake baby.x
    One of my friends used to say 'this one's been here before'...hmmmmm
    Hope you are all settling down together, as one of my (UK)Health visitors ( I don't know what the US equivalent is ) used to say....''Trust your instincts,,What do YOU feel is right for you and your baby '' She was a wonderful lady and gave me so much confidence in myself, even though it was a good few( !!! ha ha many ) years ago.
    You have one beautiful little girl there.x

  62. Absolutely adorable! So, so, so happy for all of you. And I hope the breastfeeding thing has gotten a lot easier for both of you.

  63. Oh my goodness, she is beautiful!!! Love her sweet little face. Congratulations, I'm so glad your story had a happy ending. Enjoy every minute.

  64. Long-time lurker coming out of hiding to say congratulations - she is truly one of the prettiest babies I've ever very happy that you are finally holding your dream.

  65. She's absolutely stunning! How much did she weigh? How's the breastfeeding going? So glad you posted photos!!!

  66. Gorgeous! I am so bummed you haven't shared her name though.

  67. I didn't know you were in NYC (I'm in NJ - Sandy hit us too ;)

    Well, well, well, look at that absolutely gorgeous little baby. She is simply precious. Best of luck (and sleep) to you both. :)

  68. And she is. She really is beautiful. :)

  69. She is beautiful! The pics look like they were taken by a professional - just perfect.

  70. She is so beautiful! God bless her.

  71. I agree with you. She is BEAUTIFUL!!

  72. How absolutely precious is that little face? Good heavens, she is a pretty picture. Give her a hug and a kiss from me please. Much love to all three of you.

  73. She is beautiful, indeed! My daughter is five months old today, so I know how overwhelmingly happy you are. (And how overwhelmed in general.) I now encourage everyone to get a night nurse/doula, particularly during the first few weeks-- even if you're breastfeeding constantly, a night nurse/doula is a huge help and you definitely get more rest. It's worth it, I promise! And congratulations again!!!

  74. After years of following and supporting you on this journey, I feel sad that you won't share her first name. :(

  75. Best. Looking. Newborn. Ever. Gosh, at three months ... you will have Helen of Baby Troy on your hands. Not sucking up.

    I would cast her. ;-)

    Enjoy. Congrats!! So happy for you.

    Best wishes.

  76. She is ridiculously cute!!!

    I was in labor for like 18 hours and threw up for about half of it. Soooo not fun!

    Um... your anesthesia FAILED??? OMG!

    The first few weeks. No, ok, the first few months, are really tiring. But it gets easier.

    Wishing you rest and healing. Love and snuggle her lots (like I have to tell you that, right?), but it really does go so fast.


  77. Isn't it just a dream come true?!? She is beautiful

  78. I don't say this lightly, because I'm not one of those people who thinks all newborns are beautiful: She is perfect. Lovely and so alert! Congratulations!

  79. Delurking to say she is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I'd been hoping we'd get to see Ms. Magpie, and she is lovely. I hope you're doing well. Love the pictures, and the top one with the tiny newborn fingers? Ooooooh, preciousness! Longtime Lurker Chris

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  81. Oh, she is just lovely! I hope you all are doing well, and enjoying getting to know each other.

  82. Love the photo, and am looking forward to your *ONE MONTH OLD* post soon! Wow-- so glad that you're a mama; and I hope that the feeding issues are getting better and that sleep is coming more easily and life is slowly transitioning to a new for you normal.

  83. She is flat out GORGEOUS and I am so happy for your happy ending! You all enjoy this precious time . . . it is so wonderful!

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  85. She is SOOO darn cute!!

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