Wednesday, October 30, 2013


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  1. :) :) Happy 1st birthday, Magpie! And congratulations to you, Mo and Will! She's perfect.

  2. Unbelievable!!! And fabulous! Happy 1st Birthday Magpie!

  3. OMG, it's been a year already?!

    Happy birthday, Magpie! And best wishes to the whole family.

  4. Cutie pie! Happy one year to everyone!

  5. One already? I've been following you for so long but it seems like you just had her!! Wow! Congrats and only great wishes for Magpie!

  6. One already? Wow it seems like she was just born! Congrats and best wishes to you and your family!

  7. Happy Birthday, beautiful girl.

  8. Wow, already one!! God Bless

  9. Oh my goodness: the cuteness is overwhelming! Happy Birthday Ms. Magpie!

  10. Holy cuteness, Mo and Happy 1st Birthday Miss Magpie!

    As a long time (long time!) reader, it warms my heart to know all the milestones you and Will get to witness and embrace as parents to your lovely daughter.

    I am sure Halloween will be fun, too!

  11. Happy birthday to Magpie and happy first year as parents for you!!

  12. Perfect and one-derful! Happy b-day, Magpie!!

  13. Happy birthday to you sweet girl!

  14. Oh what a precious girl. Happy birthday, Magpie! Here's to a marvelous second year of happiness and growing!

  15. Happy Birthday! Can't believe you're one already Magpie!

  16. Wow! Happy birthday Magpie and congratulations, Mo and Will!

    I love the hat and Magpie's solemn-yet-festive expression!

  17. This pic is very cute and Happy Birthday Magpie. Thanks for sharing this post.

  18. Happy birthday, scrumptious girl!

    I'm sure she had a blast with that cupcake. Mmmm, cake. ;-)

  19. Hard to believe it just gets better and better, isn't it?

    Happy birthday Magalicious.

  20. How did that year go by so fast? Happy Birthday Magpie - you are a little sweetie!!!

  21. Oh my goodness... can't believe Magpie is already one!!! Happy Birthday!!!

  22. Happy birthday, Miss Magpie, and congratulations Mom and Dad. Here's to a lifetime of happy birthdays to come!

  23. Awwww, happy birthday, gorgeous girl. You are such a blessing to your mom and dad!

    Congrats, Mo and Will, you survived year 1!

  24. Happy Birthday! What a gorgeous picture of a beautiful baby. Just wait and see how much more amazing this next year is - K seems to be more awesome with each passing year.

  25. What a fast year it's been! Happy Birthday!

  26. Congratulations on your beautiful daughter's first birthday. I've read four years worth of your blog in the last two days having stumbled across it after searching the internet for what to expect from a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy (which I had yesterday). I think you're extraordinary. In the face of repeated heartbreak and despair you write honestly and bravely and with sensitivity for other people's sadnesses. I hope hope hope that the commenters who choose to find negatives and criticism of themselves in your writing and blame you for it won't put you off, and that the person threatening to 'out' you feels like less of a threat now. Would you choose to 'out' yourself? Your story, your approach and your intact relationship and sanity are inspirational, and you've certainly given hope to this person struggling with unexplained infertility. At this stage, what would the downsides be of going public? (And I ask as a genuine question, not as a suggestion to do so). I'm completely delighted for you and your family. You're very lucky to have each other.

  27. So so so cute. I can't believe it's been a year.

  28. Happy Birthday Magpie! Can't believe it's already a year. She is super cute!!

  29. She's so sweet, Mo. She looks older than her year! Hope you have been keeping well.

  30. I am new to your blog, from Pail, but I wanted to wish your little gal a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. After all you have been though, I am so thrilled to see this little miracle growing and thriving. I am not a stranger to loss, but am happy to now have a healthy 10 month son myself. You are quite the inspiration my dear.


  31. Happy Birthday, beautiful girl!!

  32. Wishing your family a Happy Thanksgiving and hoping that you can find a moment to update your adoring fans (realizing of course that life is hectic with a 1 year old!) Hoping that all is well!

  33. I miss your blog, but love to see little Magpie's first birthday pics!!

  34. Magpie is adorable! Happy 1st birthday. I am wondering if you have any advice or words of wisdom for weaning off of one breast? I think you did this several months ago. My daughter is 10 months old and I've been struggling with recurrent mastitis and constant milk blisters on my right side. The IBCLC I've worked with suggested weaning off of my right side and I think I will follow her advice. Just looking for any been there done that words of wisdom. Thanks!

  35. How is she one already?? Congratulations! She is so gorgeous. I hope the first year was everything you thought it would be, and more. It only gets better from here!

  36. Just checking in and hoping that all is well there.

  37. Hi Mo...hoping all is well. Merry Christmas!

  38. mo & will!

    update please!!

    hope you are all doing well-
    happy winter solstice, and please,


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