Wednesday, January 22, 2014


So many things - big and small - to be grateful for these days. It is good to take time out regularly and be mindful of these things. To be aware and thankful.

To name a few:

1. My health - having had cancer in my twenties, this is something I don't take for granted. While that diagnosis was a seismic shock at the time, it has led to the awareness that our health, our very lives, cannot just be taken for granted. I feel so lucky I got a second chance - the chance to be well again and strong.

2. My rambunctious, ever active, ever exploring little girl. She snuck into Moxie's crate this morning. She loves it in there because we now keep Moxie's food and water inside. Magpie seems to see it as her own personal water play station. She loves to run her hands through Moxie's dry food. To take the dog food into her hands and drop it - one glorious piece at a time - into the water. I think she loves the satisfying "plunk" sound it makes.  

3. Will and I have been working to carve out moments together, which is wonderful. He's been working very long hours of late, sometimes 12 hours a day, and I miss him. Magpie misses him. She runs around saying "Dadda" "Dadda" and signing it (thumb against her head with fingers outstretched) again and again. She is so thrilled to see him when he's home, as am I. One way we've been getting some time is in taking long walks together, sometimes as I'm on the way to work. It is nice to "hang out" with my husband when we can. 

4. The city in the snow. It's messy and a pain to get around, but it's almost as though it's a different place altogether than the city we live in day to day. Here's a stretch of Broadway last night. Lots of snow already at that time. Lots more that has fallen since this picture was taken.

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  1. beautiful pic. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's feeling of gratefulness doesn't wane.

  2. Broadway definitely looks like a winter wonderland. No matter how bad things seems, we don't have to dig deep to find things to be grateful for


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