Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A year in pictures: Magpie photos month-by-month this is overdue, but here are our month by month pics of Ms. Magpie, for the first year. Here she grows! Can't believe she's not so much a baby anymore and more and more is moving toward little girl. The time has gone so fast!

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  1. I love seeing monthly pictures of babies. She is adorable! Such a happy baby. :)

  2. She's so adorable. Love the 10 and 11 months pictures. Aren't those monthly stickers just the best

  3. Love it! I did this with mine and am so glad to have the photos.

    It is amazing to watch her grow! Congrats on a successful year 1!

  4. OMG - she is adorable!! What lovely pictures!!!

  5. Oh my! She is adorable! Happy birthday Magpie!

  6. Love her happy, toothy smile! Please smooch her for me! xo

  7. Oh my precious! I love how she gets all squirmy in the older ones....her personality is shining through.

  8. Oh my goodness, the sweetness! So happy for your beautiful family.

  9. Oh Mo, she is such a ball of energy and joy! What a great series of pictures! I was trying to comment which one I love best but so hard to decide, she seems to have such a HUGE personality! Well worth all the years of tears and struggle. LOVE, LOVE this!!!!

  10. So much fun watching her steadily interacting more and more with the environment!

  11. Gorgeous! Love progressions like these. Those EYES!

  12. Beautiful!! Glad you're posting again! :)

  13. I hadn't realised how much she reminds me of my Olivia until now! Well, I suppose it should be the other way around, since O is only 7 months old (although she is officially longer and heavier than her 14 month old cousin; what a tank)

  14. I love your miracle baby. She is so darling! Congrats Mama, you deserve your bundle of joy! :)


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