Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Thank you, Jenny Craig PR department!

I came home from work today to find a box from the Jenny Craig public relations department.

Inside the box was a bag.

And inside the bag was all of these Jenny Craig treats - cookies and candy bars, and popcorn, and vitamin bars. Plus, a signed book by Barbara Rolls. A book I've actually thought about buying. Very cool.

Turns out you guys aren't the only ones who read this blog.*

So a big thank you to Jenny Craig - I will definitely enjoy these treats!

That said, I promise to still give you guys my unbiased opinions on the Jenny Craig food and total Jenny Craig experience, swag or no swag. The food has continued to be, across the board, above my expectations. The only major food issue I've had so far was with the chicken corn chowder soup, which somehow unfortunately exploded in my office microwave despite following the instructions. Clearly it needed to be watched more closely.  But foodwise, I have no regrets about this program. It has made the weight loss as easy as it could possibly be. Will said recently, with a tinge of incredulity, "It doesn't seem like you've suffered very much losing the weight." Because yes, I guess weight loss is usually accompanied by hair shirt wearing and incredible feats of willpower. This program, not so much most of the time.Which is pretty darn cool.


*The PR department first reached out to me via email last week and said they wanted to send a small token of thanks. So the arrival of this package was not as stalkerish as it might otherwise have sounded.

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  1. Congrats on scoring the free goodies...

  2. *snort* That's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. And I should tell you that your weightloss success has inspired me EVERY day of my own diet--which began the day you first posted about your JC adventures. So thank you for sharing this with us all.

  3. yay, susan! I'm glad it's been motivating (the weight loss posts have felt a bit navel-gazing, but they keep me accountable). good luck on your own process! (isn't MFP awesome?)

  4. i think that is kinda weird...
    how did they know your address?
    does your JC person know you have the blog?

    i think you can do all of this without JC and just with MFP.

    either way, really it is all about what motivates you to make it WORK in your life- my husband loves WW, for me it didn't work. MFP works great for me, as well as wearing a fitbit.

    i do think it is awesome to blog about it because this is how we all motivate and inspire eachother. great work mo!

  5. Anonymous - I edited my post to take out a bit of the "weird" factor. JC PR actually contacted me last week and said they wanted to send me some of my favorite items to thank me for mentioning them on the blog. So I provided them with my name and address. Otherwise, you're right, that would be weird! To my knowledge, my JC consultant doesn't know about the blog (I haven't mentioned it).

    I totally agree, you can do this without JC and just use myfitnesspal. for me, the external structure and the simplification of the program has helped, and that was especially true at the beginning. Especially when I had 20+ pounds to lose, it would have been easy for me to get diet fatigue if I was doing this all by myself. So it's helped me be so successful and on this compressed time frame, but yeah, I agree, whatever works. However you stick with it.


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