Wednesday, June 4, 2014

And...fantasy over

It was fun while it lasted, but my body let me know today, with the onset of my period, that I am decidedly not pregnant.

Maybe next month. Most likely not, but hey, you never know.

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  1. FWIW, I go through this EVERY month. And we're not even actively trying, because I am convinced that any pregnancy with my own eggs would end in disaster. But the hope is always there. Always. And the day I get my period is always a bit of a rough one. I'm sorry, Mo.

  2. seeing a cd1 in this circumstance is so much easier then in the midst of ivf#4,5, 6... you know?!

    BUT, it still sucks somehow!

    maybe it will give you the impetus to call CCRM and make that ODWU appt. ;)

  3. Aww. Still fun to dream though!

  4. Aww, darn!

    But, yes, it's true, you never know! :-)

  5. I'm sorry the dream didn't become the reality... Many hugs.

  6. I get the "fun while it lasted" thing.

  7. I am sorry that you don't get the miraculous surprise pregnancy. I, with the person on your previous post would be interested in your thoughts on a gestational carrier at this point? Then you wouldn't have to do IVIG or Lupron or any of the other things. Of course it's expensive, but less of a toll on your body. Have you considered it, or do you want to experience pregnancy again? Hearing you describe it, it seems like there was more light than terror, so I can see why you'd want to do it again. As always, I am holding hope for the best possible outcome for you and Will and Ms. Magpie.


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