Friday, February 6, 2015

Beta #2

Beta HCG # 2 was drawn this morning and came back at 198.1, so an 86.9% increase, doubling time of 53.2 hours or 2.2 days.

Not sure what to make of it, as it's not a 48 hour doubling time... but maybe it's close enough? Anyone have any positive outcomes out there from a doubling time like this early on?

Progesterone looks great at 30.2. No supplementation; my body is doing that all on it's own.

So it's not bad news....but perhaps it's not exactly good either.

I welcome any thoughts or experience with this.


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  1. Not good news. Not bad news.
    Just neutral news on hcg.
    I think the progesterone number is the bright spot.

  2. Not bad but not jump for joy, either. Nothing can ever be that simple, can it? I'm still hopeful, but cautiously so. Keeping everything crossed for you. I'm excited for you but sorry that you have to wait out these results like this.

  3. Mo,
    No experience with this but have heard of good outcomes with less than textbook doubling
    Hoping so hard for you!

  4. I think that's pretty effing close to doubling. Good news imho. Here's hoping the next couple weeks go fast.

  5. This waiting is hard! Really hoping for a long, uneventful 9 months for you.

  6. I completely sympathize. It's so hard to read the tea leaves at this point. I'm the person who wrote in earlier with a progression from 39 to 74 (around 89%, I now realize) over a two-day period, and when I got the second beta, the nurse said, "You don't need any further tests -- you're doubling." I actually insisted on additional blood draws because I was worried the number was so low -- ironically, after multiple losses in which my hcG was both very high and doubled appropriately, this was the pregnancy that took. So, lots of encouragement to you and hoping it all works out.

  7. I'm 18 weeks pregnant after an FET. My doubling time was 49.5 hours. Good luck!

  8. First of all: Congratulations to this happy discovery!
    This is I believe the best calculator out there:
    It allows to enter the exact numbers between the two blood draws and also draws it into a table. Not that it helps, agonizing about theses numbers... I wish you all the best!

  9. My betas with Tiny Boy were all over the map--vanishing twin, so not exactly applicable here, but there was a while it didn't double over FOUR days and well he's 3 now. So yeah, it can absolutely happen.

  10. Thinking of you and hoping for all good things for this little fighter.

  11. I don"t believe it is actual suppose to double , but increase by 66% in a 48 hour period to be considered viable. You are looking great!

  12. My son is 13 months old. My first beta was 69.7, and my second in two days was 123.9 - a 77% increase and 57.8 hours doubling time. I was scared, but my nurse said that anything above a 60% increase is good! I wish you all the best!

  13. oh gosh - you've got us on pins and needles - hoping so hard that everything works out and this one a healthy baby for your family!

  14. Good luck, Mo! Crossing all fingers and toes for you.

  15. Oh I think it's fine! Obviously a solid doubling would've made you feel safer but it rised enough! I think it's perfect!

  16. Oh I think it's fine! Obviously a solid doubling would've made you feel safer but it rised enough! I think it's perfect!

  17. Thinking of you and hoping for all of the best! Everything is crosssed!!!

  18. You don't know me, but I have been reading your blog since well before Magpie, and I just wanted you to know that there's another soul out here in the universe pulling for all of you! :) Sending positive thoughts and hoping for great things!

  19. I don't remember the numbers but know my hcg did not double after 48 hrs with my first IVF and the nurse was "cautiously optimistic" - I was scared. My daughter is now 6. Best of luck!

  20. My doubling time was something like 55 hours. He is two and a half. I wish you well.

  21. I think the increase in progesterone is a good sign (I'd be more concerned with a not quite doubling beta and a DROP in P4).

    My HCG with live birth #1:
    70 10dp5dt
    105 12dp5dt
    300 14dp5dt
    1591 19dp5dt

    Fingers crossed.

    Will you go for another beta?

  22. Checking in... like five times a day. Thinking of you.


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