Monday, February 9, 2015

Pregnancy #8: Beta #3

Results are back and are decidedly not good.

Beta HCG = 264.0
Progesterone down to 20.71.

I haven't heard my OB's take on this yet (obtained results elsewhere), but I can't imagine there's any hope with a rise like this and drop in progesterone.

Oh well. Looks like it wasn't meant to be. I am more sad than I thought I would be to hear this news.


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  1. so sorry to hear this...:( I was hoping this was a true miracle for you.

  2. Oh mo, I am really so sorry to hear that there wasn't a robust increase in the beta.
    I am hoping so hard for you that this continues well in spite of it.
    Keeping with you.

  3. That's a bummer. I was so hopeful for you guys.

  4. Damn! Damn! Damn! So very sorry.

  5. Oh Mo, I'm sorry the results weren't better. I'll be thinking of you both.

    Sending you a virtual hug.

  6. Oh, I am so very sorry. Thinking of you.

  7. I'm sorry Mo. I too, was hoping for good news for you.

  8. I am so sorry. I was so hopeful for you.

  9. Well...this sucks. I'm so disappointed for you all, and yet still holding out a little sliver of hope.

  10. OMG I haven't been checking blogs in a while. I really hope this little miracle works out! I am so sorry for the roller coaster you are on. I can't believe you got pregnant though and that's amazing. UGH!!!

  11. No I'm so sad for you. It felt like grace. Big hugs!

  12. i wouldn't put too much emphasis in the P4--even when I was on heavy doses of PIO it would fluctuate a lot and my CCRM nurse said P4 is like that. Beta--oof. I hope somehow this can work out.

  13. I don't want to hold out false hope, but give it another day or two. The progesterone is not terribly reliable (the zone between 5-25 is really indeterminate). The rise in BHCG is not awesome, I agree, but I've had the personal experience of a very teensy rise followed by a successful pregnancy. You're right - it's not the most likely scenario - but it's definitely possible.

  14. Oh, Mo, I am sorry.

  15. Oh dear, not good results at all. I was so thrilled by your unexpected news last week and hopeful for another miracle. Go home and snuggle with Magpie - she's more than a miracle. xx

  16. Nooooooooo!

    I am so sorry to read this. As if you haven't already been though enough. Hugs.

  17. Oh no!! So sorry, was rooting hard for you.

  18. I'm so sorry, Mo. How I loathed the hcg draws. It's hard to not get your hopes up, even when you know you shouldn't. This just isn't fair. xx

  19. It bloody sucks that you have to go through this again...has the universe not extracted its pound of flesh yet? BUT....Miracles happen against the odds, yes, and while I tend to look at the odds, I hope the optimists win the day here.

  20. mo,
    I am sorry to read this news...
    I know that feeling...
    you think your are "cool" with whatever the news is going to be,
    but then when it is bad or disappointing,
    it feels like the adrenaline wash you get in a near-accident...
    it comes over you and hurts your muscles, your skin... and in this case, your actual heart and the hope you were holding in your mind.

    thinking of you.
    i would get another beta just to be sure...

    thanks for sharing your news here.

  21. Mo - I am so sorry to hear this - what a rollercoaster ride you have been on this last week. Ugh - why can't anything just be easy. Still praying for a good outcome and if that is not meant to be that you have strength to get through what's ahead. Thanks for sharing this journey with us.

  22. Me, too. I liked the way this story was going. Hugs.

  23. So sorry Mo! Miracles aren't supposed to end this way. Hugs!!

  24. Sending my most optimistic, best, healing thoughts to all of you. Hoping against hope that better news comes today.

  25. I'm still praying hard! And just tonight I wrote a few sentences about this miracle on my blog...

  26. I am so sorry Mo. Sending hugs.


  27. I'm sorry Mo. I too am hoping for a miracle rise for you (maybe a vanishing twin?). My heart does not want to give up hope.

  28. I'm so sorry. Even though it was a long shot it doesn't hurt any less. It's just as devastating as any other loss. Hoping for healing for you and Will. ((hugs))


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