Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Results on my breast biopsies are back:

Both areas are benign.

Major phew over here.

I had tried and mostly succeeded in not panicking. But I am super relieved, nonetheless.

Both came back as fibroadenomas. I was told I can leave them alone and there's no risk of malignancy, but if they are "bothering me," they can be removed.

The biopsy sites are feeling much less tender than they were, for anyone facing a similar procedure. One is very ugly, having bloomed into generous green and bluish hues, but it doesn't hurt that much so I just had to reassure Magpie last night when she saw "Mommy's owie" that I'm ok.

So big sigh of relief over here. Thank you so much for your thoughts as I waited. It meant a lot. If you could send your well-wishes and support to Mrs. Green Grass who is facing a breast biopsy this week as well, and is unfortunately a BRCA-2 carrier, I'm sure she would appreciate. I am hoping very strongly that she gets the same benign results as me.


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  1. So relieved for you! Been thinking of you and refreshing all morning.

  2. I just found your blog over the last few days through a random google search and was hoping things would turn out this way for you. Congratulations!

  3. Whew! So very glad that you are well and healing from the biopsy; so glad that you have dodged that health bullet!

  4. So relieved! Thank goodness!

  5. such good news! So relieved for you!

  6. That's fantastic to hear and thanks for the support. Biopsy is Friday so I'll know next week I imagine.

  7. I am thrilled at your great news! What a huge sigh of relief xxx

  8. I read all your posts but I've never commented. I am SO HAPPY it was benign I had to comment! I'm hoping and praying your next attempt brings magpie a sibling!!!!

  9. Sweet Jesus, Mo. That's a huge relief.

  10. major phew to say the least!
    amazing news...
    so relieved for you mo, and thanks for updating.

  11. Benign is THE best word. Phew and relieved for you. You were in my constant thoughts.

  12. Oh phew. Thank goodness -- and thank you for the update!

  13. I'm a long time lurker of your blog was thinking and praying for u...so happy for the good news...thank god.

  14. Amazing news! Doing a happy dance for you.


  15. Phew! So glad you are okay.

  16. Huge sigh of relief that it came back benign.

  17. So happy for you! :) What a relief that must have been!

  18. So glad your results are benign. So glad.

  19. Awesome! Now you can direct your happy thoughts to your upcoming transfer!

  20. So happy to read this! I was hoping things would turn out this way for you. :)

  21. Congrats!! SO so so glad to hear this news.


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