Monday, October 5, 2009

More Hallmark rejects

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  1. LOVE IT! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! If I have to hear one more time - from the BOY even, who really ought to know better - that people who adopt ALWAYS go on to have "their own" kids a year later, I'll scream.

    Or mail them your Hallmark reject.

    You guys are geniuses. Genii? Whatever. Yer awful smart. And funny as hell. Thank you for the morning laugh.

    And whatever happened with your endometrial biopsy thingy? Will be eagerly awaiting the update after today's appointment!

  2. Love this one! Darn, if I only had a figure like that gun-toting lady!

  3. Awesome :) Totally how I feel every time I hear about being cured from IF now. People seem to not understand the difference between treating the symptoms and curing the disease.

  4. Hilarious! I get so tired of hearing this crap; I need to mail this card to a few people!

  5. Love it! I think Hallmark needs to hire you!

  6. Absolutely love that. LOVE IT! Keep 'em coming!

    Kait @

  7. Truly fabulous. It's sad, isn't it, when those women you hear about who went nuts and violently stole babies don't look quite so crazy anymore?

  8. Oh, thank you so much! Just two days ago, I actually had someone tell me that at least there was a positive to our triplets dying halfway through our pregnancy and me very nearly joining them - I lost my baby weight easily! I was at a loss and so ignored him... which prompted him to say it AGAIN. If you come up with a card to send to people who say idiotic things about losing babies, I am sending it!

    Thank you for the laugh and solidarity!

  9. :)
    Please keep doing these.
    One next Tues on my birthday and likely another CD1 would rock!

  10. Word.
    Only I'd load the gun with a shot of Lupron.
    That would teach 'em.

  11. Wonderful. The girl that got pregnant naturally with twins...I' sure she just needed to relax.

  12. Love it! Good thing I didn't have a gun during my stints with Clomid and Lupron.

  13. oooh -- THis one is good! if one more person says "relax" I'm going to go off of the deep end...

  14. fabulous - but I never looked that good in a bikini.

  15. these just get better and better.

  16. That is HILARIOUS!!!! Glad to see your sense of humor is intact. Sometimes it seems like that's all that's keep us sane.

  17. I heart it big time. I want to make a request. Somewhere in there has to be "just relax" or "it was part of god's plan".

    Make sure there is lots of blood. LOTS.

  18. Absolutely LOVE the card! Gosh I feel like her at least once a week! I hope you have a good appointment and finally get some answers!

  19. LMAO!! These are the best! You guys crack me up. I still think one of my friends thinks I got KU'd with twins by 'relaxing and going on vacation. GAG!

  20. Wait, Bella, that's not how it happened?!

  21. Thanks for a great laugh! I needed it today! These Hallmark rejects are seriously hilarious!

  22. I nominated you for an award! :)

  23. Your sense of humor has a much needed presence. Lots of luck with your next step.

  24. I don't know how I missed this the other day. Love it! I've been wanting my hubby to teach me how to shoot! And yes, I definitely think this should be a weekly post. :D

  25. Hi- I've been lurking on your blog for a few weeks now. I can't tell you how much I enjoy your hallmark rejects. I've even sent some friends over to check them out. My favorite one is the one you posted last week- about everyone's body being suited for pregnancy except yours. Thanks for the laughs.

  26. Let's face it, Hallmark has it coming.



  27. just catching up on everyone. thought i would let you know that i was thinking of you both.


  28. So great! Also- I gave you an "over the top" blog award!

  29. I just LOVE these! Too hilarious.
    I have a recommendation for another card:
    I was talking to a friend who is TTCing for a subsequent baby and she was looking for ways to spice things up. I said, use whip cream and write things on your body. She said - I guess I shouldn't write my dead baby's name, right? So here is my card idea:

    Title: Mood Wrecker
    Photo of a woman from the belly button to just above the hair line... with the following words written on her belly in whip cream: Baby Was Here

  30. Kathy,

    That's a good one! I'll see what I can do! Might take more technical know-how than I have to draw "whip cream" letters on a photo....but I'll try!

  31. Oh my gosh, this is HILARIOUS! I like the one with the gun for sure. Thanks for the belly-laugh. I needed that.

  32. LOL!!! I've been away for awhile and obviously missed your humor :) Thanks for sharing your dark side with us, and you are right...Only those that are on this side "get" the jokes.
    Hope your wizard comes through with the answers you are searching for!!


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