Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Saturday pee diaries

I needed a little reassurance this morning as I haven't been feeling much in the way of symptoms. Not very tired, not nauseated, not dizzy, no uterine twinges. All may be quiet on the uterine front, but check out this line!!!

Just for comparison, you can look at the line from 11dp5dt to see the massive difference (it's definitely darker than 13dp5dt line too, but I didn't take a picture of that one).

What a relief! We appear to still be pregnant! I'm sensing the next few weeks (if we're lucky to get that far) will be very long - and slowly passing - ones. So grateful for each day that we are able to experience this, one step at a time.

Thank you so much for all of your thoughts, your well wishes, and your congratulations. We are pretty incredulous to be even a little bit pregnant. And just thrilled.


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  1. Definitely darker!

    I still have my pee sticks from last October when we found out we were pregnant with the twins. Probably kinda gross, but they are happy memories.

  2. Whoa!!! That's a huge difference. Don't worry about the symptoms or lack thereof...means nothing. As the betas get stronger then you might notice something and then you might not. Such a crap shoot with regard to symptoms. But so happy you are enjoying this time and taking things day by day.

  3. MUCH darker! I looked at my pee sticks for weeks, they are reassuring. And yes, these next few weeks will be long, but you'll get through. Keep on peeing! :)

  4. Gorgeous line! I still have my pee sticks from Sunshine in an envelope. I definitely peed to make myself feel better sometimes. Once I peed on a stick after a fight with my mother just for the instant gratification of seeing that second line.

  5. Yay!! So Happy for you and Will and of course, the little baby. I would be peeing everyday just to see the BFP.. pure joy!!

  6. Beautiful line! I POAS every day for 3 weeks when I was pregnant with LO. Nothing wrong with that!

  7. Awesome looking sticks! And wow what a difference a couple of days make. Hoping that you get dumped on by the symptom Gods over the next few weeks.

  8. that line is looking MUCH darker!

  9. This is great. You can't really tell by the darness of the line, though....I mean, a darker line is great and in general darker lines mean more hcg, but don't go nuts trying to compare lines from previous tests. Each test is different, may have different amounts of the nice reactive dye and whatnot in it's possible to have variations in the darkness of the lines even using the very same urine on two different tests. So...don't drive yourself crazy with that. Your numbers are fantastic and I'm thrilled. I've been reading your blog for at least a year and I'm excited. I think this is the one!

  10. If you really want reassurance, get a digital for tomorrow! I just love seeing that indisputable word!

    Another way that I kept myself sane was to keep temping-- every day I stayed above cloverline, I could sort of take a deep breath. Of course, if you weren't temping, this doesn't make sense.

    So thrilled that you're a little bit or very pregnant-- however you look at it, in this moment, there is a wonderful life growing inside your handless ute.

    Big hugs from here!

  11. Ooh yeah its darker:)

    I do the same thing (I'm far worse actually); Currently I have sticks lined up from day 11 through day 16 and you can just visually tell the difference and its so gratifying!

    I read your backstory and I'm so sorry for everything you have gone through- this one is looking great!

  12. Just keep peeing on those sticks!!!!

    I am so so happy when I open my reader and see a new great update!!!

  13. Nice Line!!!!!

    I'm so happy for you!!

  14. WAY darker! BTW, I did not get reliably and horribly sick until about 7 weeks! And I drove myself CRAZY with what I felt was a lack of symptoms, disappearing symptoms, etc...

  15. what a beautiful line!!! Sorry that the worrying just never stops... if it isn't one thing it's another. Do what you can from time to time to stop, breath deeply, and enjoy a few minutes of being pregnant right now. You are pregnant!!!

  16. I am ridiculously late to this party but WAHOO!!! Come on baby - STICK!!!

  17. Congratulations again on your pregnancy. It truly is a nerve wracking time but I hope and pray it all goes smoothly for you.

    ICLW #14

  18. I used a digital test with conception indicator every week just to be sure that my beta numbers were rising. Don't worry about the lack of symptoms. I didn't have any until I was about 9 weeks,

  19. Visiting from ICLW, and I just want to say that is a BEAUTIFUL line! I wish you the best of luck. With my IVF miracles, I kept the sticks (all. ..I want to say 8 of them?) on my bathroom counter until they were born. My husband thought it was gross and ridiculous, but it felt unlucky to get rid of them.

    I really hope this is your miracle. Looking at your history, you are a warrior, and you deserve it. Congratulations on your pregnancy!

  20. Fabulous progression!!! Hey, I'd be POAS every single day if I ever got a BFP so you just keep getting all the reassurance that you need. :-)

    My mom never had a single day of nausea with me so symptoms are overrated...but those dark lines are AMAZING!!!

  21. Please tell me you saw Shallow Hal.

    Remember how he would make that crazy face and say "Cuckoo!" rolling his eyes back and forth?

    I just made that face to my keyboard for you.

    Girl, you pregnant. Drink it in!

  22. I promise you that I didn't consistently feel symptoms that were definitely not gas, psychosomatic, etc. until around 8 weeks. And even then I never had really bad nausea/morning sickness, and I would have many hours and even days when I would feel nothing and think it was over. I can't believe I'm willing to admit this to you (but I really want to help you feel better about this b/c I worried so much about it and now know I didn't need to) but I recall going into the bathroom at work many times for the sole purpose of poking my boobs to see if they hurt at all, because I didn't feel pregnant. I also called the nurse several times for the same reason (I'm sure I made her want to find another job). Symptoms are just not a reliable indicator of pregnancy. This is the hardest part (emotionally) of the whole 40 weeks -- the driving yourself crazy over every twinge, etc. But you are definitely pregnant! And we're definitely happy for you!

  23. First off Congrats:) I have been a follower of yours for a while but dont always comment....Im very happy for you and your hubs...the next few weeks will def be trying...I an a POAS addict and even though I got great betas over the weekend I would do what your doing and second guess symptoms ect...but peeing on the stick always made me calm down so do whatever you need to do for reasurance:) Best Wishes

  24. That's good that the line is darker ! Hang in there. I'm sending thoughts your way about sticking...caramel, gum, etc.
    Happy ICLW!

  25. So glad that line is getting darker! I know what you mean about the worry of having no symptoms. I have none either- anything I had seemed to all have vanished!

  26. You are more than a little bit pregnant,Mo.
    I peed on sticks most days, yup, until I had the ultrasound. then I could stand down (a little)-- then, just panic until I could start using the doppler.
    (I still have the indisputable positive pee stick, the one with the first big line like yours-- it is on the back of the toilet right now even. I have the others in a baggie in the closet).

    Doppler advice: get one, but get a good one. no cheapies. mine was about 70$ on amazon, and I just sent it to Joannah.

    with big love,

  27. Heart-warming chills going through my body. So, so very happy for you both!

    Hoping you are being to let the excitement sneak in, even just a little bit!


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