Sunday, November 20, 2011

For your amusement

Made me chuckle (and a little sad, too) thinking of all the time we've spent doing IVF cycling and me shot up with depot lupron, or recovering from procedures, or on pelvic rest waiting for my beta...all the while poor Will waiting patiently, his sperm starting to look like this...

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  1. (snort!) It is true that the least sex I've ever had while in a relationship has been while trying to get knocked up. And yes, the irony never gets old (though the abstinence did...) Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving with just enough turkey & family to be fun.

  2. lol! poor hubby's probably are frogs, wellfor sure they are. love this!

  3. Funny is true that during all of the procedures, drugs, and emotional highs & lows, we often forget about our poor hubbys. I think mine would say it's still better than having to perform on a schedule every month! He HATED that. Thanks for sharing this, made me smile.

  4. HAHA! So true! And just for the doesn't necessarily stop when you get pregnant! My poor husband might as well be celibate...I'm constantly on pelvic rest while pregnant too...the poor guy never gets laid! HA!

  5. stopping by from ICLW! I think this may be emailed to DH!

  6. This is too funny! Hubby always complains how I only want sex to get knocked up but when we aren't trying (or can't due to pregnancy) he doesn't get any. Poor guy!

  7. stopping by from ICLW! I think this may be emailed to DH!


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