Wednesday, January 30, 2013

1, 2, 3 months (in pictures)

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  1. awwwww...
    nothing cuter than this!
    thanks so much for posting these!

  2.! I love month 3, she's just getting cuter! Thanks so much for sharing; glad that things are going well there. How are things going now that you're back at work? Sending good vibes and hoping that you found the right answer for you in regards to nursing/pumping. Sending hugs and big smushy snuggles for your adorable Magpie!

  3. I LOVE these pictures! You can see the personality emerging :)

  4. She is SO cute! I love that last picture - "hello! Look at me! I'm beautiful!"

  5. I love her smile! She's adorable.

  6. love all 3, but the last one is definitely my favorite...kind of like "Here I am world!" LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

  7. Wonderful! What a lovely smile she has!

  8. A-freaking-dorable. Especially the last one! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Wow! Mo! Look at your beautiful daughter!

    That smile. It's just everything.

  10. So cute the magpie! But I think that sheep is growing too... :)

  11. She is a beauty!

    Hi Mo and Will! How are you guys holding up with the cutie?

  12. Oh little magpie, you are so cute. :)

  13. So lovely. And look at all that personality shining through the photos!

  14. Perfection! I love how excited she looks to be 3 months!

  15. Your girl is so cute! So very, very happy for you.

  16. Had to stop over and tell you how adorable your daughter is. She is so beautiful and I am so thankful for the blessing God has given to you.

  17. Oh my gosh! You can totally see the personality coming out! Beautiful!

    FYI- stick with these monthly pictures. You'd think it would be easy to find the time to do them, but especially once you're back to work it becomes really hard. However, if you can keep it up, you will be so happy you did!

    I did them with my first and am so glad I have them. I actually posted about it if you want to see:

    I'm doing them with my second too.

  18. Oh my word....soooooo sooooo cute. Best thing I have seen so far today (other than my own babies when I got them out of bed this morning.)

  19. Magpie sure is a beauty. Love, love, love her 3 month picture with open arms. She looks ready to take on the world, this strong little girl.

  20. growing, growing, growing! she's adorable. that 3 month pic rules.

    nice to see the sweet photos. hope all is going well with you.

  21. Month three is the best thing I have seen in a long time. Really, like I can't stop looking at how cute she is. The difference between two and three months is amazing. And the sheep (?) is as excited as Magpie.

  22. Had to pop back to look at that smile again. So very happy for your family. :-)

  23. Simply adorable! LOVE LOVE 3 months!! Thank you for sharing!

  24. omg - she gets progressively cuter each month and just looks so happy to be 3 months! I know you are glad to be at the 3 month mark too. Hope you've gotten into more of a rhythm and breastfeeding is easier.


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