Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sad news

Bernadette from Rasta Less Traveled lost her beautiful son Hayden, aka "Master Cheeks" today, a week and a half shy of his first birthday.

I've been following their journey since before the twins were born in India via surrogacy and have been astounded at Bernadette's calm yet determined advocacy for her son - first to care for him in India, then to have him brought home to the United States via medivac and then to help him be as comfortable and as completely cared for as possible in the midst of an impossibly complex medical situation.

If you have a moment, please send your support Bernadette and her husband Duane's way and keep Hayden's twin sister Scarlett in your thoughts. Heartbreaking.


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  1. Dear Mo, Thank you for acknowledging my beautiful angel. I found such strength in this virtual community as I fought to conceive my two beautiful children, and I know that it will serve me well as I once again move through the days remembering to put one foot in front of the other. I am so very lucky to have such incredible support. x

  2. mo,
    thanks for posting this-
    this is how i found out about his passing, although i have been reading b's blog since they were born... i hope the traffic you get here will generate a lot of comments on hers, because they need all the love and support they can get right now... may they be showered in tears and love and understanding...

    rest with peace, beautiful little boy

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