Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sisters sharing

Moxie and Magpie sharing the blanket, playing side by side. 

Ah, sisters! 

We were pleased to catch these moments on video, and the music playing in the background couldn't have been more appropriate! By the way, Moxie is playing with her own toy...we draw the line at that kind of sharing at this age, especially since Magpie likes to put everything in her mouth!


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  1. Oh, I remember those nighties! One of my favourite articles of baby clothing--hated packaging them up to give them away.

    Gorgeous video--love the little interaction of dog head and baby feet!

  2. LOVE IT! So cute! Magpie has some awesome head control going on. xo

  3. I have 2 babies and 2 boxer babies and it just keeps getting better!!!!!!! Love the video!!

  4. OMG Mo. Her little feet bopping along to the music! What a sweet, happy girl! Can you please kiss those precious feet for me?

    It makes my heart so happy to see this video of lovely, so-very-loved-and-wanted Magpie on your floor. What a dream come true. I hope you never pick up her toys or clean her eventual fingerprints off your windows - my little miracle baby blows raspberries on the windows and I don't clean them (okay, I do, but only like once or twice a month for germ reasons) because to me, when the sun shines in and highlights them, they are the most beautiful artwork I could imagine. They mean a little one lives here.

  5. birds and squirrelsMarch 14, 2013 at 2:34 PM

    That is adorable! They are going to be great friends.

  6. Ahhhhh, so cute! Our dog would not be able to control himself like that. All loose items are his for the chewing!

  7. Was just talking about you to a friend this morning and wondering how things were in your world. So glad to catch a glimpse into life with Magpie.

  8. aww! so adorable. love how miss magpie is kicking her feet to the music (and she seems to enjoy tummy time)! and love how moxie is so gentle and nuzzling little baby feet. so cute!

  9. Oh my goodness. soooo cute. I love how Magpie is constantly kicking her feet and I was just waiting for Moxie to nibble on those toes. Sooooo adorable. Our dog and our kids are seriously like siblings. They play like mad these days. Our son (5) is the knight in shinging armour, saving his sister (2) from the evil dragon.. Nelli...our 2yo yellow lab. They run around the yard together and are never parted. I love it. Thanks for sharing. I had to watch it twice because I was sort of sad when it ended.

  10. I think we might have the same jumperoo. And we too had a baby and doggy bonding moment this morning. Not quite as cute as that though. :) Great tummy time skills, Magpie!

  11. Seriously, one of the cutest things I have ever seen! Love those little feet kicking to the song!

  12. That is adorably heartwarming, Mo! What a sweet sweet video! I love Magpie's feet kicking away :)

  13. I love it! Magpie's got some serious rhythm! This was just delightful; thank you so much for sharing with us!

  14. Loving this in every single way.
    Totally adorable.

  15. Your dog is the cutest! And love how Magpie is kicking her feet with the beat at the end.

  16. Love it! We draw the line at that kind of sharing too, but Miss A wound up getting her first French kiss from one of our dogs several months ago. I was laying flat on the floor on my back, and she was sitting on my belly. The dog came over to sniff her, and that made Miss A open her mouth really big to laugh. When she did that, he siezed the opportunity...

  17. Instant youtube classic :) So freaking precious.

  18. I was listening to this song with our four year old today - good gracious, where did the time go? He was tiny days ago, I swear he was!

    Enjoy it while it lasts. What a lovely video.

  19. So, so sweet! They are going to be the best of friends. They are already!


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