I haven't been feeling great since Wednesday. I have had diarrhea a few times a day since then. Also, almost immediately after reporting that the little one has been so active, I stopped being able to feel her move much at all. In fact yesterday...nothing. I even laid on my office floor and drank cold OJ to try to elicit a response...but nada.... and overnight, when usually I feel her a lot...also nothing. I knew she was alive because of the blessed doppler...but why the sudden lack of movement?
Add to that the fact that we leave for vacation on a jet plane tomorrow...and I was starting to get very worried.
My dear husband Will convinced me to call my doctor early this morning. The on-call OB called back and told me to come in to L&D and get checked out.
Which I sheepishly did.
Despite my embarrassment, it was interesting to see where I will hopefully not be back to for a veeeerrrrry long time. They put me in triage, checked baby's heart, took a thorough history (through which they kept saying...so so sorry about all the losses), and did an ultrasound to check her fluid. All was ok. And during this, Magpie eventually woke up and started getting really active. You could see her kicking from the outside! Why wouldn't she do that before to reassure me?!
The triage nurse was super validating, telling me not to be embarrassed. That I did the right thing. That if anything comes up again, she hopes I come back. Even if it means coming in over and over. Such a nice woman. The resident was also very nice and reassuring.
So all is good. It's been recommended I take Immodium to deal with the diarrhea on the plane if I need it. Also recommended that I work extra, extra hard to stay hydrated. Especially because it is so hot here in NYC the past couple of days.
So phew! False alarm! Hoping for smooth sailing once we actually get on this vacation!
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