We had a second anatomy scan this morning, just shy of the 21 week mark. First off, baby is still alive! Phew.
This time, we saw the corpus callosum, good amniotic fluid level, well functioning four-chambered heart, femurs, arm bones, hand bones, feet, vertebrae, cute nose and lips, intact palate, properly positioned cord insertion, and a three vessel cord.
They also checked down below and Magpie is definitely still Ms. Magpie, not a mister.
Cervix remains long and closed, measuring over 4mm (phew!)
The only potential issue they saw is that the placenta is somewhat close to my cervix. (1.9 cm and they said it should be over 2.0 for safety). So they want me back again in a month to check on this. I am not super worried about it at this time. It is close to 2.0cm, and the fallout if I have marginal placental previa is that I will have a cesarean. I would strongly prefer a vaginal birth, but mostly what I want is a healthy, live baby. However we get her here is secondary.
So I have to go back in four weeks to check the placenta again.
It was a long, long appointment, because the little miss wouldn't get in the right position to finish checking the heart and pulmonary artery. She finally did (after me drinking juice, coughing, doing jumping jacks, rolling around on the table, and lots of poking... but it took her over an hour!). Apparently, this is one stubborn little girl.
The coolest part is that my mom is here this week visiting from across the country. She hasn't seen me pregnant until now, so this in itself is super wonderful, and she came with Will and me to the anatomy scan and saw the baby up close and personal, which was very special. I took her out to Sarabeth's for breakfast afterward. All in all a great start to a Friday.
Here she is...one day shy of 21 weeks...I still can't believe it.
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Gorgeous, wonderful, awesome!
ReplyDeleteSo great to read this! Still so happy for you!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great update. I'm so glad your mother was able to share this with you. How very special for her. That is one cute Magpie you have there!
ReplyDeleteThis post makes me happy :)
ReplyDeleteSuch great, great news, Mo & Will. And, how special to be able to share this with your mom.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite u/s was when my mom got to go :-)
ReplyDeleteWonderful news.
Your baby looks great.
What an awesome thing to be able to share with Gran-magpie!!
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear that everything continues to go so well!!
ReplyDeleteI had marginal placenta previa at 22 weeks. Absolutely no problem ten weeks later, and I delivered vaginally.
ReplyDeleteThe best part of your post for me was that you are in a place where you can express your *birth* wishes!
And delighted of course that Magpie is flourishing and that her grandmother got to see her! Keep it up!
Glad everything continues to go swimmingly well. I didn't have previa, but my placenta was growing directly over my previous c-section scar; by the third trimester it had moved up. I'd assume you'd have the same outcome with something so marginal...
ReplyDeleteShe's a lovely one, your little Magpie!
What a great scan - and to get to go back and do it again in 4 weeks sounds good to me. Sounds like a lovely morning for you, and Will and Grandma and Magpie too!
ReplyDeleteYay, congratulations! She's so cute! Seems like placenta previa is quite common - my sister-in-law has this right now, as well. I'll hope that it corrects for you.
ReplyDeleteAwesome! I had The Previa, too. It moved. Yours likely will, too. Having a wonderful, glowing, pregnant weekend, dear Mo. xoxo
ReplyDeleteYa know, she totally has your nose. ;-)
ReplyDeletehow wonderful that your mother could see her grand-daughter at the scan. i am guessing that it may have been one of the best days of her life :)
i think most of the time, the plactenta will move away from your CO as the pregnancy progresses. i hope you will get the birthing experience that you look forward to, but i know you know that in the end, the way in which your baby comes into the world is just a piece of a larger picture of your life together.
thank you for sharing the picture, she is beautiful. a little girl! congratulations! so, so sweet.
i wonder how will is feeling with this upcoming sunday, and your much-different situation this time around? i send him much love and also congratulations. he is already a father in my eyes, no doubt, absolutely, and i hope he can feel it on sunday, too. he's got a little girl in his life now... very special!
have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteSent you a pdf of a recent reassuring publication on low lying placentas, mo :)
Congratulations!! And I must say it's so refreshing to read your views on getting her here safely, no matter how you get her here!
ReplyDeleteSat here next to my three babies smiling whilst reading about yours. Aren't we lucky? Xxx
ReplyDeleteSo glad that your mother could share that great appointment with you, and Happy (early) Father's Day to Will.
ReplyDeleteYou're doing great Magpie; just keep on growing! So incredibly happy to read such wonderful news, and am glad that you're beginning to be able to think about birth preferences (yay!) Just a great update. Thanks for sharing-- enjoy having your Mom with you; be sure to let her spoil you just a little!
Great news! AGAIN!!! I love coming by to check in on you because things are just getting better and better. Sure, there might be hiccups, but viability is right around the corner and your little one is doing so well. Awesome news, Mo!!!
ReplyDeleteLook at that adorable baby! I'm so happy to see these updates. Yay baby!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great update! So glad your mom could share it with you. You are doing great-- of course you are anxious, of course hitting certain milestones brings as much fear as it does joy. But you (and Miss Magpie!) are moving forward together each day.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful day tomorrow with Will!
here you are at 21 weeks!!! It's just nice to see the universe dishing some good news out where its deserved. Its hard to describe how right it feels to come to your blog and be reading your updates.
here you are at 21 weeks!!! It's just nice to see the universe dishing some good news out where its deserved. Its hard to describe how right it feels to come to your blog and be reading your updates.
here you are at 21 weeks!!! It's just nice to see the universe dishing some good news out where its deserved. Its hard to describe how right it feels to come to your blog and be reading your updates.
Yay Mo! Wonderful news!
ReplyDeleteBTW, I also had potential previa issues at 20 weeks with both of my pregnancies, but by the time the girls came, they'd resolved. So your wait and see policy it totally right on. Keep on doing what you're doing! Happy Father's Day to Will!
ReplyDeleteHow very special that your mom was able to attend the 2nd anatomy scan and share in the joy. There's nothing like a mom's reaction to let "I'm pregnant" sink in. I'm smiling from ear to ear just knowing she's there with you this week.
ReplyDeleteHoping the potential previa issue resolves, and that the 2nd half of your pregnancy continues to be as seamless as the first. I won't say "worry/anxiety free," because I realize that will only diminish once you hold your precious little girl in your arms. Your updates are awesome, please keep them coming.
My girls are waking up and chatting with one another in the nursery. I am starting to imagine you and Will waking up to the sound of a little baby girl making cooing newborn sounds...
AWESOME! Same thing here with the placenta previa and it moved up around 27 weeks. Fingers crossed but wanted to let you know that was my concern for a long time.
ReplyDeleteI am so, so darned happy for you. Tears of joy after reading this post!
big milestones, all!
ReplyDeletemost previas resolve themselves as the baby grows, when the placenta rises. don't worry about it yet. they will watch you closely.
I had the worst case of previa my doctor had ever seen as it turned to accreta (embedding). but I was monitored weekly so they'd know exactly what they were dealing with. have no fear.
yay, 21 weeks!
So glad to stop by here and see that things are going the way they should. Thrilled for you!! xo
ReplyDeleteHoly moly Mo.
ReplyDeleteLook at you! and look at your beautiful baby!
I get chills of happy amazement every time I stop by. Just WOW.
with a side of wow.
and some wow with that.
with such love and such happiness for you.
So glad things continue to go well for you & Magpie!! : )