Just a quick query out to you guys...'cause you know, I parent by internet consenus.
At what age did your child stop using a sippy cup? Magpie uses one in the stroller or carseat (we use carseat only a couple times a month because we live in Manhattan). We don't use sippy cups in the crib, and Magpie is really always in motion, so she's not reclining back and drinking unless strapped down in some way, like in the stroller (and really, not so much even then). She uses a cup at mealtimes and knows how to drink that way, or will ask for sips of water from our cups (our water of course is magically better than hers, although identical). Unfortunately, she often still enjoys turning her own water cup upside town toward the end of the meal just for kicks (drives us crazy). We have a few straw cups but these seem to spill/leak often, which is frustrating and seems to defeat the purpose...
So anyway, now that she's two, do I need to get her off the sippy because of potential dental or speech issues? We don't seem to have any...but you know, I read, and I from time to time, I worry.
If it matters, all of her sippy cups are the soft nipple kind. I know those are meant for smaller kiddos, but it's what we still have and she doesn't bite them, so it hasn't caused any kind of problem, so far at least. But in case it matters, wanted to put that out there too...
Is the continued use of a sippy such a big problem? I've been thinking if she can talk, has clean teeth, and is learning how to use a cup at mealtimes that's all that matters...but maybe I'm fooling myself?
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At what age did your child stop using a sippy cup? Magpie uses one in the stroller or carseat (we use carseat only a couple times a month because we live in Manhattan). We don't use sippy cups in the crib, and Magpie is really always in motion, so she's not reclining back and drinking unless strapped down in some way, like in the stroller (and really, not so much even then). She uses a cup at mealtimes and knows how to drink that way, or will ask for sips of water from our cups (our water of course is magically better than hers, although identical). Unfortunately, she often still enjoys turning her own water cup upside town toward the end of the meal just for kicks (drives us crazy). We have a few straw cups but these seem to spill/leak often, which is frustrating and seems to defeat the purpose...
So anyway, now that she's two, do I need to get her off the sippy because of potential dental or speech issues? We don't seem to have any...but you know, I read, and I from time to time, I worry.
If it matters, all of her sippy cups are the soft nipple kind. I know those are meant for smaller kiddos, but it's what we still have and she doesn't bite them, so it hasn't caused any kind of problem, so far at least. But in case it matters, wanted to put that out there too...
Is the continued use of a sippy such a big problem? I've been thinking if she can talk, has clean teeth, and is learning how to use a cup at mealtimes that's all that matters...but maybe I'm fooling myself?
Thanks for your candid thoughts.
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