Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fruit cake and Endometrial Function Testing

So I went in to see my RE yesterday and had an endometrial biopsy done so the tissue could be sent to the researcher at Yale who pioneered the Endometrial Function Test (click the link to see him compare the endometrial lining to a fruit cake.) I've pictured my endometrial lining looking like a lot of things. But never quite like this:
The biopsy hurt, but not too badly (about the same as the coculture biopsy), and it was over in a minute or two.

The idea of this latest test is to get a sense of my lining and whether it is a receptive place for a little embryo to grow. So a snippet of my uterine lining is now winging its way to the aforementioned Yale researcher so he can look for things like the progesterone receptor, and mouse ascites Golgi mucin, and cyclin E (which shouldn't be there), and also to check and see if leukemia inhibitory factor, αvß3 integrin, HOXA-10, and p27 ARE there, because they should be. Got that? Me neither. Totally confused.

Apparently results will take a couple of weeks, so we'll see what said researcher thinks soon.

I have to say, I'm not holding my breath. Instead I'm moping around a little bit.

I do hope that something informative will come out of this, I really do. But at the same time, this is starting to feel a little bit like an exercise in the absurd. Know what I mean?


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  1. Glad to hear that you knocked one test off of your list. It really, really sucks that you have to go through this - and I believe that all of your amazing strength and perseverance will pay off.

    Lisa from meinsideout

  2. I absolutely know what you mean.

  3. DAVs,

    I don't think I ever got your email. Can you send again?


  4. Ugh. As always, I will be very interested in the results from this - selfishly, but also very particularly because I want you guys to find out what's going on & how to work around it! Fingers crossed that this turns up a magic bullet you can use.

  5. Silent lurker here ... hoping this latest round of tests gives you some hope and answers. God knows you deserve it :)

  6. I totally feel you on that! But it does sound like an interesting test. I will be interested in what they have to say. Hopefully it is more then "we don't know". hugs!

  7. I am hopeful that your lining has all the stuff it is suppose to and none of the stuff it is not suppose to have. I think it is a great idea to have a biopsy and it is something I totally would have done if I had the opportunity, hoping for fab news.
    hang in there.

  8. Ah yes the "my life is a science experiment,and all I want is a baby."

  9. Anything that may give you more information isn't absurd, but I know what you mean about feeling that way. Hoping for the best!

  10. All these tests, I don't know, I get what you're saying. It's stuff you need to do to feel like you've crossed all the t's and dotted all the i's, but after awhile, it's just... well... another test... that may or may not tell you anything. For your sake I really hope it does, cuz all this carrying on has got to be emotionally AND physically exhausting:-(

  11. Yes, I totally know what you mean about an exercise in the absurd. I wonder if the staff at the clinic are all saying "oh here she comes again, why doesn't she just move on?" But my RE (and yours too) seems to think there is still a good chance, so I'm not quite giving up! Hopefully we will both beat our personal odds soon...

  12. I sure hope you get some results that give you answers, though I'm not sure I believe you will.
    I wish the geneticist had had some good answers for you. But even though she didn't, I'm glad that she really seemed to care, and really considered you as a couple, not just as a collection of info on paper.
    Hopefully time will bring you some clarity on where to go next.


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