As for the test results - there were some abnormalities. Not surprising, I suppose. If you take enough tests, you're bound to find something, aren't you? The wizard was not good at all at explaining the significance of them in any kind of convincing way so Will and I will be doing the research to educate ourselves. But basically, it turns out that the following immunological tests are "not normal":
antiovarian antibodies
The gist of it is that these immunological issues can supposedly impact implantation negatively and also lead to clotting issues (although all my thrombophilia indicators are normal, go figure). So the wizard recommended baby aspirin and lovenox + either prednisone, intralipids, Humira, or IVIG. He was really pushing IVIG specifically, but as I've said, he wasn't exactly instilling confidence in Will or me. (After the appointment, Will turned to me and said rhetorically, "Would you ever let him touch your baby if you had one?" Ah, no.) Honestly, I'm not sure if I'm willing to do IVIG. Apparently, you need 2-3 treatments (per pregnancy) at $3,700 a treatment - the first one of which is before you know if you're pregnant or not. And the treatment is collected blood products, which is also not thrilling. Combine all that with the fact that this is a very controversial treatment, and, well, I'm just not sure I'm signing up for it.
Needless to say, we'll be reviewing the literature.
Hmmm....so remember how I was wondering if going to this doctor might be opening a can of worms? Well, consider it opened. We'll see where we go from here.
To keep things stimulating, it looks like we ARE headed to Denver next week for the one-day testing on Tuesday. Flight booked, hotel reserved, rental car rented. We'll see what they have to add to the mix. This should be interesting...