Thursday, February 25, 2010


Things are progressing.

I took the last birth control pill yesterday and will have a baseline scan tomorrow to make sure all is quiet on the ovarian front.

A big box o' Gonal F and Menopur arrived two days ago and I'm expecting a shipment of more Gonal F as well as microdose lupron and Saizen (costly stuff that is) today, assuming the snowstorm doesn't delay Fed Ex.

Things have been pushed back a few days but the current plan is to fly to Denver March 7.

Looks like we're moving forward. Gulp.


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  1. Good to hear from you - I have been thinking about you.

    I am really pulling for you guys.

  2. Welcome back on the wagon. I'll be about a month behind you doing from what I can tell a similar protocol for my round 5 as well. Good Luck!!!

  3. So exciting! And scary, I'm sure. . . thinking of you!

  4. Hey! Welcome back! Good to hear you are moving along, sounds like MDL for you! Saizen totally breaks the bank, and I found it really hard to measure out, there is barely enough in both bottles. And given how costly it is, the measuring really stressed me out. But I do think it helped me - well, I had my best cycle on it, at any rate.

    Have you booked all your travel plans yet? If you need any rec's, lemme know. Good luck!!

  5. Hope it goes well! Exciting times ahead. Are you doing PGD this time?

  6. Big gulp is right! I am thinking of you. :)

  7. Looks like we're cycling at the same time. I'm headed for IUI #10 around March 10. I know it's been a long journey for you. Wishing you the best.

  8. Good luck and sending you positive thoughts and positive vibes!! :)

  9. Glad to hear things are moving forward and that the box o' fun has arrived. I hope all is on a positive trajectory with your family, too, since I recall that was taking a lot of energy as well.

  10. best of luck as you take this leap of faith. sending you peace and positive thoughts!

  11. Good luck! I'm hoping that this is THE cycle for you. And wishing I could do more than just hope and wish.

  12. I remember this part of the whole dance. It's all hurry up and wait! Hoping that it's more hurry up and less wait for you guys. Thinking of you!

  13. so awesome. March is next week! Best of luck.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Oh man I had a comment all typed out and then deleted it.

    Anyway, the Saizen is tricky and expensive. I found that it is highly pressurized and therefore you do not need to inject any air into the vial...and it helps to withdraw the needle very very slowly. I did this and still barely had enough for all the doses.

    Anyway, good luck on this cycle! I really hope CCRM does the trick for you! And we're coming your way (hooray NYC!) in the spring--I really need some Central Park tulips!

  16. If anyone can help you I believe it's CCRM. Best of luck to you.

  17. Hurrah for progress and for March 7! And also hurrah for seeing you this weekend!

  18. Oooooh you are using Saizen!!? You are so lucky. My RE's won't let me have the stuff. I hope that it does wonders for you!!! :-)

  19. I hope this is it for you guys. Take care.

  20. Yea! Big box o' drugs. Will be thinking of you guys.

  21. Best of luck on this cycle Mo, thinking of you and Will.

  22. Good luck. I've got everything crossed for you.

  23. Progress! I'm so glad to hear that you are moving right along. Hopefully the snow won't mess anything up for you. March 7 will be here in no time and things will really be chugging along then. Best of luck and nothing but positive thoughts coming your way.

  24. Good Luck Mo! I am on day 4 of stims for IVF#2... antagonist protocol. I'll be pulling for you!


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