I had been debating whether to give myself a month off before moving ahead. Because I'm tired folks. And worn down. And really sick of how long and drawn out this process has been. Dr. Schl. wants me to go on depot lupron for two months due to my endometriosis and the idea of injecting that stuff during the height of a particularly brutal New York summer just isn't getting me excited. But when I talked to the nurse, we calculated that if I start the lupron RIGHT NOW, I will be able to transfer the blasts approximately Oct. 3 (30 days of depot lupron + 30 days of depot lupron + 1 week birth control pills + 6 weeks to build lining back up).
And, um, that already seems like forever from now, and I cannot even imagine dragging things out until November.
So start now it is. Today is Day 3 of my period and the lupron should arrive tomorrow. Poor Will. My mood hasn't really recovered from the IVF cycle and my sky high estrogen yet - heck, the all-over body rash hasn't even had a chance to go away. I fear that adding lupron to the already surly mix of hormones will result in one grumpy hot-flashy Mo. One who will be not so fun to live with.
At least I can say with confidence that we've been through worse (there's always a silver lining if you look hard enough). I'm trying to get my exercise and eating routine back on track, which should help immensely with mood state and energy levels.
Here goes nothing. To say we are nervous about this transfer doesn't even begin to describe it. But damn I'm ready to get this show on the road already.