Will and I went to a talk about legal issues in third-party reproduction. It was informative, but mostly, I found it frightening. My main focus has been on whether I can choose one of these paths if I need to and have it feel like the right step. Feel at peace with the decision. That's where my energy has been going. I trust the folks we are considering receiving donated embryos from. I know where they are coming from and where they stand; I know they are at peace with the family they have and aren't looking to parent again. And with an egg donor situation, I've focused on how to find an egg donor that felt compatible with us intellectually, physically, and that would result in a baby (most important part is the last one).
I hadn't really thought that I needed a lawyer to do egg donation or embryo donation. But going to this talk made me question myself. It was run by two third-party reproduction lawyers who talked a lot about contracts and statutes and case law. And it made me wonder: do we really need contracts and lawyers to negotiate all the details of the future? (they suggested THREE lawyers for embryo donation - one for genetic father, one for egg donor - who they say should be re-consented, and one for recipients - egads!). If the laws change about how embryos or donated eggs are seen now, would this be something that would negatively affect us? My questions felt so basic that I didn't voice them. I actually found the whole meeting quite anxiety-provoking. Somehow it just rubbed me the wrong way. I guess because what I'm trying to do here is start a family and having lawyers and contracts and what not involved, makes it feel so...business-like.
Those who have done embryo donation or egg donation, have you used a lawyer in the process? What purpose did it serve? Looking back, was it really necessary? Those who didn't use a lawyer, is this something you wish now you had done? Why or why not?
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