Mo and Will

Two starcrossed lovers in search of a poopy diaper. Join us on our adventures through IVF, recurrent miscarriage, and on the other side as parents.
I've grown so comfortable with our increasingly weird shared humor that I've begun to lack good judgment about what others might find funny. You know, like normal people. I'm starting to notice that only those who are grappling with infertility seem to appreciate my IVF/miscarriage humor.
I had drinks earlier this week with a friend who after several canceled IVFs is about to move on to donor egg, and we had a grand ole' time, laughing our heads off about the ridiculously absurd moments with our feet in stirrups, the clueless things people say, our envy toward those with accidental pregnancies. The whole nine yards.
Then last night I had dinner with another friend, one who has known me for several years, and who knows my history of IVF and five pregnancy losses. And we had some real heart-to-heart moments, which was great.
And then I cracked a few really funny zingers about miscarriage and mangled chromosomes. We're talking practically stand-up material here.
Nothing. Not a single smile. Even though I know this friend shares my dry humor on other topics.
Hmm...perhaps she didn't get it?
I tried another one.
She finally said, "Mo, I can't laugh with you about this. I just can't. What you say is really funny, but your situation is so awful that I just can't."
Oh. Right. Not funny. In fact, very, very sad.
I acknowledged that I'd put her in an awkward position. Should she laugh? Not laugh? It must have felt very confusing. I promptly apologized.And yet, I am still pulled to the dark side.
I just ran across this picture on a blog as an example of an e-card that never made it into print. And I howled with laughter:
I found it hilarious. Why? Because it touches on the fact that 1.) There is really no "good" side to loss and people's attempts to point out the silver lining are just doomed to piss you off and fail. And 2.) It highlights the point that there are no cards or other rituals to acknowledge pregnancy loss, just as there is no space to mourn miscarriage in this culture (unlike in say, Japan). And for that reason, our repeated losses are sometimes not acknowledged and have often created awkward silences in which both I and the other person feel badly.
So OK, OK! I get it. It is probably inappropriate to share this card with friends who haven't miscarried or struggled to conceive.
I will be a good friend and act with restraint.
Instead, I will share it with you.
Thanks for being there.
Apparently results will take a couple of weeks, so we'll see what said researcher thinks soon.
I have to say, I'm not holding my breath. Instead I'm moping around a little bit.
I do hope that something informative will come out of this, I really do. But at the same time, this is starting to feel a little bit like an exercise in the absurd. Know what I mean?
Something about having my sister with me all weekend was so centering, so healing. We spent the weekend laughing, talking, sharing. Having her here was like a breath of fresh air after not breathing for far too long.
The geneticist and I are playing phone tag but hopefully will catch up later today, and tomorrow, I am scheduled to have part of my endometrium removed for the Endometrial Function Test. So the quest continues, but for once this weekend, it felt like I could maintain the right perspective, and not be consumed. I only hope I can hang onto this newfound sanity.
Thank goodness for little sisters. I am so glad she's in my life.
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