Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sundays of grace #25

1. My sister is here for a visit! It's always a pleasure to see her - she lives about four hours away but came into town for a conference. Yeah for sisters! My sis has been especially wonderful about all of our infertility struggles. About a year ago, she offered to donate her eggs to us if we wanted them. How amazing is that? She will turn 30 soon, so has much younger oocytes than I do. I don't know if we could ever take her up on her offer, but how incredible that she would make such a gesture, and that even after about 50 conversations on the topic is still very open and enthusiastic about the idea.

2. Will is home from his medical conference. It was nice to have a week of dinners with my girlfriends and get lots of reading done, but it is also SO nice to have Will back home again. Plus he's picked up a new hobby - surfing. Who knew you could learn to surf at a medical conference?! I'm so grateful to have this man in my life.

3. Beautiful pot of blue hydrangeas on my windowsill. Bringing a bit of the springtime into our apartment, which is wonderful, especially now that the weather has turned grey and cold again. Lovely, blue pillows of color with vivid green leaves. So glad we got them.

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  1. Those are three beautiful vignettes:) your sister sounds amazing. What an amazing offer she made.
    Glad your Sunday is going well:)

  2. Sending you hugs Mo. Love your Sundays xxx

  3. Your sister sounds awesome.
    I hope that you'll have good luck with the embies you have, but a backup plan with a fabulous donor is wonderful.
    Hooray for spring. Thanks for the Sunday smile.

  4. Hi,

    Lurker...just wanted you to know that my younger sister donated her eggs and now we have a beautiful 5 month old girl. It's not for everyone but for us it was the best choice possible. It allowed me to keep a (small) genetic link to my child, we completely trusted our donor and knew about her medical and social (non-smoker, drinker, etc) background, and if anything were to happen to me I know my sister would be there for our daughter.

    I never thought it was weird having my sister donate, in fact, I thought about it when our IVF failed but never thought I would ask, she offered. She never thinks of her niece as her child, she just thinks of it as helping us complete our family and was the ideal egg donor.

    If you ever want to chat about the experience (we did have to see a fertility counselor and so did she - it was required by our clinic) then let me know.



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