Friday, March 19, 2010

Surprise blast update - You are NOT going to believe this!

Yup, you read it here first.

Somehow, the miracle workers in Denver managed to cajole, nurture, nudge three more of our embryos to blast stage. One is one of the "late bloomers," which was fertilized a day late with day 2 ICSI and the other two ("other two," what more magical words are there?) managed to come from behind and perform a marvelous catch up to reach blast stage on day 7 (one of them - OMG - even hatched overnight).

These guys are a 4AA (the Day 6 one - that we used in vitro maturation on and day 2 ICSI on), a 4AB (Day 7), and a 6BB (also Day 7 - the hatched one). On Day 3, these guys were, respectively, an 8-cell (grade 4 minus), an 8-celled (grade 3 plus), and a 8-celled (grade 4).

They are still watching the New York Six, who, sorry to say folks, are not faring so well (there is only one 8-celled embryo, the rest are far, far behind). Monday will be the day to biopsy these guys, if any of them pull through.

But in the meantime, we somehow went from a respectable four blastocysts to an incredible SEVEN BLASTS overnight!

The Denver Lab Rocks, I tell you. Seriously. And remember, we've been at the #2 clinic all this time. But this, this is unlike anything we've seen across five cycles.

Pinch me. I must be dreaming. I am just shocked.

I can't wait to tell Will. He's going to think I've gone delusional on him. He better return the page I sent!

WE HAVE SEVEN!!! WE HAVE SEVEN!!! Shouting from the rooftops!


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  1. FLC is hands down THE BEST.

  2. SEVEN!!! I love the number 7! This is fabulously wonderful news, and I'm so happy for you and Will. Hurray!

  3. WOOO HOOO!!!! What fantastic news! And a great way to head into a weekend!

  4. Awesome news! Congratulations! 7 is my new favorite number.

  5. YAHOOOOOOOOO!!!! Pinch, pinch, pinch! :-D

  6. You know, you always hear that they're miracle workers. They weren't for me but they sure seem to be doing some voo doo magic for you! HOORAY!!!!

  7. Holy frijole moly! I have never heard of a Day 2 making to blast -ever! You are legendary! I am just grinning ear-to-ear to hear this super-great news! Congrats - go celebrate!! And Go FLC!

  8. Well slap me silly and call me sally:)
    Most fabuloso news!

  9. Great news Mo, seven is awesome!!!

  10. OMFG!!!! Wonderful news! 4 was great, but 7 is fantabulous!

    We should totally go out to dinner next week to celebrate & catch up. I have a commitment one of those days, but I don't actually remember which one...

    If you find my brain lying around anywhere, would you let me know? Seriously, let me get back to you on a day?

    I am SOOOOOOO happy for you! WOOHOOOO!

  11. Wow! That's gotta do some work on your hope meter! :)

  12. Congrates!!!! That is wonderful news!

  13. HOT DAMN!!!!!!!
    most awesome.


  14. omgomgomgomg!!! That is awesome!! I'm so happy for you! Continued best wishes...yippie for the lucky 7!!!

  15. Wonderful, wonderful news! I am so happy for you!

  16. This is fanf*ckingtastic news!

    GO! GO! GO!


  17. Congratulations! It is really fun to read your updates. Isn't repeated good news fun? I wish you continued amazing success.

  18. What fantastic news! I'm jumping up and down with you (at least in spirit). I hope you wind up having some additional great news like this about the NY embryos on Monday.

  19. Seven is a lucky number, maybe that is a good sign! Congrats, I'm totally impressed w/that lab!!!!

  20. Mo - this is great news! I've been meaning to log on to tell you I'm still following your journey and hoping and praying for the best. Don't you just love it when the numbers end up being a little higher than you anticipated? It makes it even sweeter somehow.

    Here's to hoping this is it for you guys!!

  21. WOW!!! You are officially a goddess! WELL DONE!! AWESOME NEWS.

  22. Wow - that's just stellar news!

  23. Could not be happier for you. Yes FLC rocks xxx

  24. I think I just crapped my pants MO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to go wipe myself now. Thanks a lot!!! LOL

    I am so freaking excited for you girl. Whoooo freaking hoooo!!!!


  25. That is just amazing news, I am so thrilled for both of you! What a great number to work with.

  26. So completely thrilled for you!!!! This is sooo very exciting. I just know your healthy baby is in there somewhere. Stay strong...stay faithful....this is awesome news.

    What is the next step? I know you want to do some PGD right? and then they will do and ET...or will they freeze them and then do an FET?

    I'm just so excited for you. Keep us posted on the progress the of fabulous SEVEN!!!!!!!!


  27. I am soo sooo soooo happy for you guys. You get need one to be sticky and healthy!!

    Praying for you guys. I so hope it all works out this time for you...

    Jacky from MD

  28. i remember my RE saying that the difference was really in the lab. she said that they don't share their secrets with anyone either.... :)

    so excited for you guys!

  29. Seven, wowee! That's just pure magic. So happy you're on the awesome side of the odds for a change. Congratulations on your 7 little beauties.

  30. 7!!! That's an awesome number. Enough to get pregnant a few times over!

    Good luck and congrats on 3 more growing!

  31. wow, seven is awesome, congratulations! you will have embryos leftover for your next child (because you're going to get a bfp with this cycle)!

  32. INCREDIBLE!!!! Three more is just truly fabulous news. Sending a whole ton of good thoughts for great result from testing.

  33. That is fantastic! Congrats!


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