But I am also very tired.
Along with the move to a bed has come a move to many more sleep interruptions for the whole family.
I'm so tired that I can't quite quantify it, but I'm guessing she's up at least three times a night now, ultimately ending up crawling into our bed by the third wake up.
And so, I am turning to you - I think we need a toddler clock type device to teach her when she can and can't get up. I looked on Amazon, and there are several options. Are there any specific devices that have worked for you? Any that were a disappointment?
And is there something besides a toddler clock that I should be considering?
Any help is most (yawn!) appreciated!
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We bought the 'ok to wake up' clock, it is a nightlight and changes from yellow to green. We put my daughter in a big girl bed at 3, she did great for a week and then started getting up and wandering our house at 3 in the morning... So we did both the clock and a baby gate across her door. So she could open the door but couldn't walk around. She wasn't the type to come wake us up (since she knew we would put her back in her room) so we had to keep her from escaping.
ReplyDeleteOur youngest climbed out at 2 and surprisingly there weren't many problems. However, at about 2.5 she started leaving her room coming upstairs during nap time so we put this plastic thing on her door handle so she wouldn't come out. She doesn't nap anymore but we still keep it on there. Once she's asleep we don't have middle of the night issues. But we do have callback issues at bedtime...
ReplyDeleteWe tried one of those clock things for our oldest re: not getting up at 0530. But that child would call for us, not leave her room so it wasn't the same issue. And we found the clock did not work as advertised.
Just to clarify, the clock we got our oldest is the OK to wake one people have mentioned. Our child uses the light function to "read" and play by but that's about it. However, she no longer gets up early either so it is moot.
DeleteWe used a baby gate I the door, but the kiddo was 19 months. Not sure it would work on a 3yo, though.
ReplyDeleteMy son had a hard time staying in bed after the transition too. Eventually we gated his bedroom door to keep him in his room since he was roaming the house at 2 am! He got used to staying in the bed soon after. I hope Magpie adjusts soon and you get some shut eye!
ReplyDeleteWe have a bunny clock that is 'yellow' for morning and 'blue' for night. Has not stopped the waking but there is at least awareness about night/day...
ReplyDeleteWe have two of these and LOVE them. Both kids obey them for the most part. My four year-old does get out of bed before it's green to use the bathroom, but then he goes back into his room and plays pretty quietly until it's time to get us. Both my kids were out of their cribs and in beds around 18 months and at that age they stayed in their beds until we came to get them for the first six months or so. Maybe some sort of reward system or sticker chart if she stays in her bed all night?
The okay to wake clock (the one that looks like a little alien) has been a life saver. She named him Buddy and she knows not to get up until Buddy turns green. If she succeeds, she gets an M&M. That's all it takes her. It's been about 6 weeks and she does not get up! She will wake sometimes, most of the time she talks herself back to sleep, occasionally she needs a hug, but everyone is sleeping much much better. I heart Buddy.
ReplyDeleteGood luck!
We use a tall gate (she is four now), I suspect if she really wanted to she could open it, but knows she shouldn't with out asking. The gate, a clock, and explanation that she can play in her room but should be in her room until a certain time that she can tell by the clock. She will call out if needed or potty is needed. On the weekend after morning potty trip, she goes back in room to play with gate open to a certain time determined. This routine has worked. You may want to consider something special left in her room to play with (favorite book, toy, etc., )that way she begins to enjoy being in her room herself. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteTot clock. I know it's hard to spend such a crazy amount of money, but do it. Complete game changer.
ReplyDeleteWe still use this one. It's pricey, but it lasts forever, is sturdy as all get out & just does what it's supposed to with no fuss or issues. We found a toddler-clock to be an easy and painless transition for Hen. When it's Aisha also uses one now, & last I heard it was working great for M.
I considered all the sleep clocks with the lights that tell them when it's ok to get up, but ultimately decided on just using a regular digital clock. She knew her numbers, so we told her she couldn't get up until the first number said 7. It worked right away and like a charm. She's been out of the crib for almost 4 years now, and she still knows she can't bother us before 7. Now when she wakes up before 7 she will entertain herself by reading or quietly playing in her room.
ReplyDeleteWe have this one. The only caveat- don't let her touch it! My son kept getting his hands on it, pressing all the buttons and messing it up. Finally we thought he'd broken it, but after taking the batteries out, letting is sit for a few weeks, and giving it one final try before recycling it, it came back to life. It's been fine since, but we don't let him touch it.
We have used one of the light up clocks with some success. But the best trick was telling my older son he could play quietly in his bed but couldn't come out until the sun woke up. This works nicely in the winter. By that summer he knew his numbers so had to wait until 7-0-0 to come see Mama.
ReplyDeleteWe threatened to put the crib rail back on. That worked for a bit and the wake ups continued. So we actually put the railing back up on a Sunday morning and our daughter was so distressed about her regression to the crib that by Sunday evening the wake ups were done. She knew we meant business!
ReplyDeleteWe had a Gro Clock (a toddler clock) but it didn't work out for us. My older daughter is a little OCD and she kept waking up to see exactly how many stars were showing and trying to work out when morning was coming. Also it shone REALLY bright! Now we use a timer (like when you go away) and a nightlight is plugged in (we have also used a small lamp in the past). The kids share a room and know they will get a reward for waiting for the light to come on before they get up or shout. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteWe use a gro clock for our almost three year old. It doesnt really stop her night wakings but it makes it easier to put her back to bed when we point at the blue star on the clock...
ReplyDeleteGro clock has worked well for us and continues to do so, as long as it is out of his reach and he can't fiddle with it! (The brightness can be adjusted all the way down to zero if needed).
ReplyDeleteIf he wakes before his 'sun comes up' he is allowed to turn on his bedside light and read to himself. It has trained him from a 5.30 wake up to a 7am wake up and my sleep can't thank it enough!!
Boys are locked in their room. They are 4 and 2.5. Am I the only one who does this??
ReplyDeleteThey know the door unlocks in the morning. And it works for us.
You're not the only one! We had to turn the door handle around on our 2 year old's door a few weeks ago. Having the lock on the outside is the only thing that has worked on her. I feel a little bad about it, but it was just too dangerous having her wander around the house in the middle of the night!
DeleteThat happened to us too. The solution is not a clock, but letting her sleep in her own bed NEXT TO YOU as a transition.
ReplyDeleteLOLing at the last 2 comments. I bribed. Sunshine started sleeping in her own room/bed this past fall. At nearly 6 years old. If she didn't wake me until morning, she got a little piece of chocolate in her lunch bag. We do what we have to do!
ReplyDeletehow is it going, mo?