Thursday, July 5, 2012

"The next month is the most important of this pregnancy"

I saw my OB this morning - 23 weeks and 5 days - just shy of viability, which at my hospital is 24 weeks.

All is looking good. Blood pressure was fine 117/70, baby was heard promptly on the doppler (but I knew she was fine as she was kicking away all morning), cervix measured posterior, long and closed.

The OB told me that the next four weeks are the most important of the whole pregnancy. That it is critical to avoid preterm labor during the next month. She advised me to take special care of myself: watch the heat and try to stay out of it and that I need to take extra precautions to stay hydrated (2 liters of water daily with an extra liter with electrolytes if I'm going to be outside). If I'm not careful, she said I may experience contractions, which while she doubts will lead to full blown labor, will likely lead me to have lots of anxiety and necessitate extra monitoring.

So better safe than sorry. I will be very cautious.

Funny to hear that this four weeks is the most critical. Honestly, every week up to this point has felt so important and tenuous. And I am holding my breath a bit until Saturday, which is the first day they would try to save the life of this little girl if she did appear early.

So we are a few days from viability - unimaginable! And a month from hoping that this baby could be born without major complications.

One day at a time. Here we go...


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  1. Yep--one day at a time. And I'm glad your doc is putting the emphasis on this month. And on staying hydrated. Pregnant summer in the city still counts as my most miserable physical experience, so take it as easy as you can! Thinking of you, and--wow! 24 weeks! Wow!

  2. Good to know..I did not know this month was the most important (at all!) and of course am going on holidays this month. Will take your tips. Happy almost viability!Huge congratulations!!! Crazy to think a few more months until we have babies!

  3. You are in the home stretch. I'm so excited for you. You will be with baby in arms so soon! I would just attach a water bottle to you like they do infants and you'll be fine.

  4. bottoms up, dear Mo. In this heat wave, you'll need all the fluids you can get.
    How exciting that you are just a few days away from viability. Somehow I think wee girl will stay in for the full lenght of her stay. Just a hunch.

  5. You are doing it, mama! You and your baby girl. One day at a time and you will be there and beyond.


  6. Oh 24 weeks is such a wonderful milestone - but 28 weeks is when you can really breathe a big sigh of relief. I hope the next 4 weeks (well the next 16 really ;) go quickly and smoothly!!!!

    At 25 weeks I started getting noticeable Braxton hicks and they are scary. But just expect them and take it one day at a time!

  7. Glad your doc is monitoring you so closely and definitely good advice! One day at a time, and hopefully before we all know it you'll be hitting the 37wk mark! Lots of love and SO exciting to be hitting 24wks!

  8. I echo the "Stay super-hydrated" mantra. I did have a little bout of pre-term labor due to dehydration, and I had been pretty good about drinking water. But you really need to drink a lot, more than I thought. The bathroom will be your most popular hangout!

    Hooray for 24 weeks - a huge milestone!!

  9. You really have been managing all of this wonderfully. REALLY! Do whatever you need to do to make all the water more palatable. A squeeze of lime and a few sprigs of fresh mint is nice. Watermelon, with its high water content is a nice way to help with hydration. I made a yummy watermelon, lime and mint smoothie the other day. Delish, but looked funky, 'cause pink and green makes blech.

    Just take it slow. Cross over to the shady side of the street when out. Stop into shops for a little a/c break. Take taxis if you need to. (Look for closed windows, so you know the a/c's working.) Pregnant during a New York City heat wave is quite unpleasant. My only other little tip is summer skirts or dresses and no underwear. Yup, I went commando for a good bit of my pregnancy. Even a little breeze there helped. ;-)

    Want to see you! But we're not venturing far during this heat wave. I think our outings this weekend will be as far as the sprinklers at our local playground. This HAS to break! Maybe the weekend after this coming one?


  10. I have been watching your journey for a few years now...well 3 years now that I think about it. I have a similar fertility history and am so excited for you and Will and this precious little girl. She is already a very loved and lucky little girl. Keep on doing what you are doing. The last few months of pregnancy fly by and before you know it she will be in your arms.

  11. I've been reading your blog for a while, but this is my first comment. :) Glad to hear that everything continues to go well! Just wanted to add that I ended up in preterm labor from dehydration due to "intestinal distress". The nurses at the hospital said they always get women in preterm labor during heat waves, so your doctor's advice is very important! Here's hoping the next month will fly by for you! (I know it won't, because I have been there, but as they say, one day at a time!!!)

  12. I look forward to your updates, I am thrilled for you and your DH. It makes my day when you post to say that all is well.

  13. I dunno, all the weeks seem pretty important. I'm at almost 16w and am looking forward to 24w. Moving targets and all that...

  14. Yay Mo, viability is almost here! Thinking about you and hoping she bakes for another 16 weeks!

  15. So excited for you! Can't believe you are already 24 weeks - your baby girl will be here before you know it!

  16. So exciting! I can imagine how important it is to drink tons and tons with this heat. I was really into drinking that coconut water when I was pregnant. I think it was CocoViva or something that I liked. A lot of them are kind of icky, but I liked the ones with a touch of guava or mango juice, with lots of ice. Very refreshing - drink up!

  17. So so close. Viability is right there hon. I'm thinking of you - take the docs advice, take it easy and as alway, look after yourself.
    Tis little girl is going to bring so much joy into your lives x

  18. You are doing so great Mo! :) As always hoping and sending you and the kiddo good thoughts!

  19. You're doing sooo well! Yay!!!

    I would have lots of cinteractions at the end of the day when I was really tired. When I was working, I went to bed at like 7 or 8 PM! ha!

    The contractions can be pretty subtle.

    I'm sure you will be fine. Long and closed is awesome!

    They didn't check my cervix early enough and I had major issues. So glad they are checking you! Sounds like they are taking good care of you!

  20. wahoo! and you can do it! one day at a time. water is your new best friend...especially in this heat. make sure that you take good care of yourself!!!

    my placentas were anterior, so i never felt many contractions, but i do remember water being my "cure all". if i started feeling crappy, i'd drink a liter of water and lay down for 15 minutes. psychosomatic? who knows! but it worked every time! :)


  21. i'm so happy for you. I just love seeing your ticker w/how many days you have left. I've got 37 to go myself but have been reading your blog for quite awhile. Big thumbs up to you and Will!

  22. Goodness, after struggling so much to get out of the first trimester, it's got to be scary to hear that THIS is actually the important time! Congrats on getting to 24.

  23. Yay Mo, viability is almost here! Thinking about you and hoping she bakes for another 16 weeks!


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