Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hallmark Reject #9

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  1. Heheheheh. My mom tried to tell me this once, honestly trying to be comforting! Um, no. Not so much...

  2. AWESOME - love it! I've so heard that before. Fantastic job!

  3. Honestly, this probably WOULD be just as bad! Can you imagine if you kept having unplanned pregnancies that you couldn't afford? Or think if you had this problem in a country where birth control wasn't readily available to most people.

    A family friend gave their youngest up for adoption because they already had 4 kids they couldn't afford. Completely heartbreaking. I can't even imagine that kind of pain. Of course, I always wondered why the hubby didn't get snipped, but it's none of my business.

  4. It seems as though it would be much easier to prevent an unplnned pregnancy. The options for preventing pregnancy are endless. (And if all else fails, don't have sex.)

    On the other hand...our options are expensive, difficult, and do not have a 99.9% success rate.

  5. I'd like to have that problem for just ONE day!

  6. Hilarious!

    I still want an eclair.

  7. Awesome! I may have to start printing out the rejects and posting them on my fridge. Just for a daily laugh...

  8. Yup, it's a crappy thing to say. I've said it and regretted it.

    As the person on the other side of that, it sucks ass in an entirely different way that IF. I've gotten pregnant on 5 different kinds of contraceptive. Yes, we used them all according to the directions. We are obsessive about that kind of thing. For various reasons, we are not candidates for surgical sterilization. We have a platonic marriage for the majority of the time.

    It sucks to not have the family you want, but it also sucks to have a husband I can't touch.

  9. Oh yeah one of my favorite comments. LOL I love these.

  10. HA HA HA HA HA! Priceless. That is awesome.

  11. LOL - awesome. Love these posts!!

  12. LOL, yeah, like why wouldn't we ever think about it like that...

  13. *OR* you could be me and get the "best of both worlds." I get knocked up SUPER easy and THEN my babies die. . .

    Lucky me.

    Although I will say, respectfully, to the gals with the "woe is me" stories here, you can prevent unwanted pregnancy. Super-fertile-but-can't-managed-to-fertilize-a-good-egg-me managed to use fertility awareness method for 8 years without once getting KU on accident.

  14. Bahahaha!

    If only I had a dollar for every time I've heard this over the last three years....

    (I'd have 10 bucks!)


    p.s. also what M said! Absolutely.

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