Not to mention mildly cramping.
You only get one guess.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
It is just a bit of pinkness on my endometrin suppository stick, and then later a light pink mucous on the TP when I wiped, but it is definitely there. And the cramping is definitely there too. Hoping I'm just having minor cervical irritation - I must have thrust that suppository in there too enthusiastically! But I'm not really able to convince myself.
I do not want to be at this conference. I do not want to give this talk on Saturday.
I want to be with Will right now.
I want to go home.
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I know it's hard to be positive about this, but it might just be irritation due to the suppositories! I sure hope that's the only explanation...
ReplyDeleteTry to stay as calm as you can {{hugs}}.
I am so sorry. I know how scary it can be to see/feel what you are, especially based on your history. Try to think positive, and remember that spotting and cramping in early pregnancy can be very very normal. It happened to me with my 2 children, but did not happen with my missed m/c.
ReplyDeleteHugs! You will be home in just a couple of days.
It's good that it's light spotting. Lots of people have that in early pregnancy and many have it throughout. I'm so sorry you're having these worries so far from home. Sending all the "let it be nothing" vibes I can muster. {{{}}}
ReplyDeleteWith my first pregnancy I did the suppositories too and had this very thing happen. It turned out that I just stuck it up there too far and too harshly that it did irritate my cervix but the babies were fine. Very scary stuff though so I understand the concern.
Ugh. Poor you. Like everybody else so far, I think that it's probably nothing to worry about (could even be a positive sign in fact, that changes are still happening inside), but I wouldn't want to be not-worrying at an international conference. Best of luck, and remember to take deep breaths before each toilet break.
ReplyDeleteTry to stay calm. I spotted (read: bled like a stuck pig) up until I was off the pessaries at 14 weeks. And I bled every time my doc did an internal of any kind. I wish you weren't so far from home, but please don't be panicky. Thinking of you, wishing for reassurance for you instead of all this challenging shit. And for the record, no, I never got used to 'spotting' during pregnancy. It sucks, plain & simple.
ReplyDeleteTo ease your mind, I had pinkish beige and even light red (sorry if TMI) spotting around 6 weeks and again at 8 weeks. I am currently in my 9th week and all was well at my ultrasound this past Monday. As previous posts have mentioned, the nurses attributed it to cervical irritation from the lovely suppositories.
ReplyDeleteAdd me to the list of those who had bleeding issues due to the suppositories. It's definitely terrifying -- any bleeding or cramping during pregnancy is obviously scary. Hoping the suppositories are the problem for you, as well. You're in my prayers!
ReplyDeleteEven knowing what you know about how normal this is, it must be terribly worrisome. I wish Will could just teleport across the ocean to you right now. BIG HUG!
ReplyDeleteLook at all those women with the same or similar issues who were fine in the end. Hang on to their words.
ReplyDeleteScary doesn't begin to cover it, let alone when you are far from home.
We are here woth you dear Mo.
Ohhhh honey I am so sorry. I wish you the very best. Huge hugs to you. Love your internet friend Jen xoxoxoxo
ReplyDeleteOh Mo... any bleeding -- irrespective of the amount -- is scary!! I so feel you! I am going to be sending positive thoughts your way! I really really pray and hope it is the suppositories!
ReplyDeleteUgh, I can imagine how awful that is, but try to remind yourself that spotting is very common in pg this early on--especially with those nasty supps. Hang in there, rest as much as you can between events, and stay positive.
ReplyDeleteIm' so sorry to read this. Will pray for you (hope you don't mind me saying that).
ReplyDeleteI know how scary it is to be spotting, even when you're at home, much less away from your partner and doctor. But light spotting is *really* common and doesn't necessarily signal a problem. You had ultrasound confirmation taht things looked good just a few days ago, and you're on a TON of progesterone. You're in my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteI know you will worry no matter how many of us say we bled (because I worried too), but let me just add another success story...I spotted bright red at 7 weeks, spotted exactly as you described at around 12 weeks when I stopped the progesterone (which of course made me think there was a direct correlation with that) and then bled like a period at 28 weeks. I think you are going to be just fine, though I know it's so hard to go through it. Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteOh Dear Mel I wish you were at home with Will! I am staying positive for you ... it's definitely possible that the spotting is from the Endometrin. That stuff was harder on my cervix than was the other meds I've used vaginally (progesterone or estrace). Although it's hard, try to focus on the positives and stay strong! I'm sending strength and positive vibes your way!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry you're going through this while you're alone and out of town, I know how scary it is! I agree with the others though, it's very likely from being a bit overzealous with the supp's. I'm still sending all kinds of positive thoughts your way....
ReplyDeleteYour 6 week u/s looks so much like mine did. I tried to attach pic but I can't. I suffered through IF for 3 years and we got a miracle BFP. He is now 14 months. I cramped SO much the first tri. I always thought something bad was happening and had a ton of u/s. I really wish I could show you the pic of the u/s for reassurance. I spotted too. Cramping, tugging, pulling, everything and I always thought it was bad but now I know it was just my uterus stretching out making room. Good luck with your presentation!
ReplyDeleteUgh Ugh Ugh for you!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry that you have this stressor while being so far from home (your RE/OB/WILL/BED).
I will give you the advice that was given to me:
Rest (feet up) as much as you can and try to drink 96 oz of fluid/day. It really could just be from the suppositories coupled with a vascular cervix (although I am sure the cramping isn't helping you believe that).
All the reassuring stories in the world can't change what you are going through and your cause for concern, but it is common, and you can only do what you can do while you are going through it.
Panicking isn't going to help, so try to breathe through it and stay connected via the WWW to those who can help you maintain your sanity.
Do post back and let us know how you are.
So when I was on endometrin I had all kinds of colors show up in my "pill box" (to quote murgdan lol!) I guess it is known to cause a range of lovely shades from peachy pink to green (seriously!)Google for more on that... I am praying and crossing all of my crossables for you that your pill box is just irritated and has decided to let you know via multi-colored kick back. So wishing you were home too so you could be closer to all things comforting (Will & the RE included)
ReplyDeleteYou may also be dehydrated from your trip and the change in altitude and humidity levels and the addition of heating if those are factors. Dehydration can lead to uterine cramping and a more friable cervix which can cause the cervix to bleed if irritated.
ReplyDeleteTake care.
Hey Mo...hang in there...thinking of you!! Big hugs!
ReplyDeleteSo, so sorry you're going through this. Chiming in with others to say that I had spotting and cramping of all kinds during the first, oh, eleven weeks. It's not always bad news, but it certainly is AGONIZING. Thinking of you and hoping you can use the conference as a distraction.
ReplyDeleteSending you lots of reassurance that this can be totally normal, but that doesn't help much, I know. I'm so sorry that you're far away from those you love and find comforting (Moxie, Will, your RE) and I hope that this is just one tiny bump in the road and you're home soon where you'll get a fantastic u/s next Wednesday morning! Crossing all crossables, praying hard and holding good thoughts for you.
ReplyDeleteI can understand how this must be so scary, but there are several logical reasons to explain the spotting. I wish I could say I'm sure all is well, but the odds are that everything is really fine.
ReplyDeleteIt sucks being in a new country with the pressure of having to give a talk; hope this weekend just flies by!
I'm so sorry--I know how very disconcerting any sign of blood during pregnancy is, even if you know exactly what the cause is and that it's okay. Both the light spotting and cramping are very, very normal for early pregnancy (especially with all the suppositories). But I still feel for you and hope it stops so you can make it through the conference!
ReplyDeleteCrap that has got to be a horrible combination of scary and frustrating. :( Can you get to a clinic to get a scan? Are you taking lovenox or aspirin?
ReplyDeleteYou know, a lot of the ladies here are right about the P4 causing cervical irritation/spotting, and then spotting in general is pretty normal, but I know that this is scary to have happen when you've just got there and you don't have your hubby and docs close by.
Take it easy, put your feet up, and let's hope it passes fast.
No, no, no, no, no.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry that you have to deal with spotting and f**king angry about it and really upset that you are alone in a foreign place dealing with this.
I spotted and cramped like crazy in the beginning...and so, so many people do - please update soon, I will be thinking of you.
Hang in there! We are all rooting for you!
ReplyDeleteDamn. Normal as this is, it sucks that it's happening. I wish it weren't. I hope you get home soon to Will and to good news.
ReplyDeleteYup - I'm another one who had some interestingly coloured stuff come out while I was on the progesterone suppositories - pink, salmon, brown & black. All down to cervical irritation I reckon. I also had cramping on and off till well past 10 weeks.
ReplyDeleteskip a lot of the talks for the immediate future and rest in bed, relaxing your head. Breathe deeply. Those cramps just might go away. For what it is worth, I had quite a bit of cramping/pulling during my entire first semester, and light bleeding is really common. This is likely nothing. Keep reminding yourself that good things do happen and this is likely nothing.
ReplyDeleteDear Mo,
ReplyDeleteI am sorry you are going through this far from Will and far from home. I am thinking of you.
I've heard of lots of people will cramping and slight bleeding in early pregnancy.. hang in there. Know that we're praying and wishing for you.
ReplyDeleteIt's totally your turn for this to just be normal first trimester bleeding. I'm crossing everything for you and hoping you and embryo get through your presentation and get back home to Will where you belong!
ReplyDeleteJust another person thinking of you.
ReplyDeleteI just started reading your story. I'm so sorry for what you are going through. My husband and I just started to go through testing. Thoughts and prayers are with you.
ReplyDeleteAdd me to the list of spotters and cramping (awfully hard) during the first trimester, especially weeks 6-8. That baby is now almost 18 years old. Hang in there. Praying for you.
Oh boy, Mo. I'm so sorry you are dealing with this and so far from home and Will. For what it is worth, I had some spotting with prog suppositories and I also had implantation bleeding with the twins (off and on for weeks). Could be either one. That's what I'm hoping for you.
ReplyDeleteUrgh. So sorry you are seeing spotting, very relieved to see all the posts from others who have experienced it.
ReplyDeleteThinking of you and sending warm thoughts in a northeasterly direction since I think that's the way they need to go to reach you.
Mo, I'm so sorry you're having this scare, especially when you're so far away from Will. A small amount of pinkish blood is most likely fine, but I know I'd be scared too. {{{Hugs}}}
Mo, I will keep thinking positive thoughts and pray for you tonight.
It's easy to irritate your cervix with the supp. To be so far from home when it happens ... you're in my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteJust echoing everyone else's comments that it's very likely the suppositories causing the spotting. My cervix definitely didn't like those suckers when we transferred in May - I started spotting from them before we even did the transfer.
ReplyDeleteI hope the cramping is just your ute's way of making more room for the baby. Also hoping the next few days pass very quickly for you so that you can get back home to Will!
Thinking of you. Hoping for you. Please keep up posted.
ReplyDeleteDamn, I'm so sorry you have to deal with this right now. I hope that knowing this is common and hearing other stories of spotting with good outcomes helps some. Way back when, my mother spotted all through her pg with my sister. Who was an 8 pounder. Holding you tight in my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteSending hugs to wherever you are!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAll kinds of sucky crap, and to be so far away from home! I too had cramping and mucusy blood. IVF patients have spotting in about 50% of cases. And mucus is cervical not uterine. All the estrogen increases the blood flow to the cervix, making it more vulnerable to bleeding. Postive thought headed your way!
ReplyDeleteHang in there. Bleeding and cramping can be all normal. Sorry you are so far away right now. Lots of hugs.
ReplyDeleteI know it's hard to believe, since it's always meant bad news before, but it could still be ok. Healthy pregnancies can have bleeding too. Once IVF finally worked for me, I bled through 17 weeks. I even had one of those pad/hour bleeds at 12 weeks. I still had a healthy baby.
Stay off your feet as much as you can (easier said than done on a business trip). Follow the doctor's orders. Keep up those meds and be gentle with those supps. And excuse yourself out sick for any after-conference activities.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Flights dehydrate you, which could be contributing to the cramping. Drink tons of water! Add me to the spotting while on suppositories crowd. I wiped, saw the pink and was convinced it was over. It wasn't. I'm sorry this is happening while you are so far from home. :(
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to see this - hope it's nothing bad. Nothing you can do at this point except try to stay calm and pray, if you're so inclined. Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteOh no Mo. Remember that even though you are in a foreign country, there are people around the world thinking of you and wishing you well.
ReplyDeleteHope that you get home safe and sound.
I know you want to go home, but hand in there Mo. Spotting is very common in pregnancy, expecially when we are on suppostiories. I know you know all this, but I juts wanted to try to reassure you. I'm thinking of you honey and your little sweet pea!
ReplyDeleteOh God Mo - I HATE that you are going through this. I gave a job interview a week after a failed IVF once and another time gave a talk in another part of the country (that I had to travel for 8 hours to) a few days after getting a low HB on a 7 week u/s (that miscarried 4 weeks later). Looking back, I have no idea how I did those things and I wish I hadn't had to.
ReplyDeleteI hope this isn't what you think it is. You have the strength... hang in there Mo.
I usually don't do the suppositories for exactly this reason! I always get pink spotting at some point and frequently a lot of irritation. I did also have some mild cramping early on in my pregnancy, which I remember scaring me after a Renaissance festivale we attended, so I was around 7 or 8 weeks, I think? Maybe a coincidence? I hope you are just experiencing the same irritation. Try to remain calm but if it changes AT ALL, call your doc.
ReplyDeleteFor what it's worth, I did that tarot reading that you posted AGES ago: thinking intently about you and your situation and the outcome was Gaia, the world: May all beings be blessed with the first sentence being: "Resolution comes with knowing that "all shall be well."" Hoping that this bodes well for you and that you've had no more cramping or spotting through the night/day whatever time it is wherever you are.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to read this right now. However, after reading through many of the comments it seems that cervical irritation is a pretty common cause of the light pink cm you are describing. I know that might not make you feel any better right now but it's something to hold on to. I'm praying really hard for you right now and I hope that everything is just fine in there. Thinking of you and sending you a big (((hug))).
ReplyDeleteAre your boobs still tender? For my first miscarriage I knew I would miscarry before I had any spotting when I noticed my boobs didn't hurt when walking up the stairs. On the other hand, when I was pregnant with my son, I had light spotting throughout the first trimester. Grabbing my boobs (surreptitiously) would reassure me that everything was fine. I really hope everything works out for you.
ReplyDeleteThinking of you and hoping for you!
ReplyDeleteThinking of you and sending all my best.
ReplyDeleteWishing I could push a fast forward button for you through these scary early roller coaster weeks- hang in there.
ReplyDeleteI know how completely helpless it feels to be spotting while pregnant in a foreign country. I had that happen really early on, and I couldn't think about anything else. Nothing. I am really hoping that your pregnancy spotting is the same as mine was, and means nothing beyond having a really sensitive cervix. I'll be thinking of you this weekend.
ReplyDeletewe are thinking of you. email, please, if you need our support.
PLEASE PLEASE try to be positive. I spotted the whole time I was on the progesterone suppositories and while it made it hard to remain positive, it IS common to spot during the first trimester.
ReplyDeleteYou are in my thoughts - I am rooting for you!!!!
I'm not a religious person but I am praying for you.
I'm going to join the choir here and remind you that spotting, esp with progesterone being shoved up into the nether regions, is really really common. I had it right around the same time (right after second beta test) and totally freaked out, so your reaction is also really really common and normal.
ReplyDeleteTake it easy, and try to watch a movie or something in your hotel room to keep your mind off of what is happening in your uterus.
Good luck!
I don't know if this will make you feel better or not... but I had the exact same thing happen to me right after a flight last week... Reddish/pink blood on the end of the endometrin stick. I called my CCRM nurse and she said it seems to happen a lot after flights. Maybe the air pressure or something? It continued for the rest of that day and was gone by the next, and I'm ok now. Anyway, I'm glad it seems to be gone for you now too!