I never heard back from my Denver nurse this weekend, which is unusual.
So I followed the "fill in" nurse's advice. I cut the meds to nothing (akkkk!) and went in yesterday for blood work.
My regular Denver nurse left me a message last night. She's been out with the flu, apparently.
Estrogen is still rising nicely at 1,343.
Progesterone seems to be holding steady at 21.76.
So I should be thrilled, right?
Problem is, I am nervous because I am very crampy. Crampy in a way I haven't been since the very first days of pregnancy. I feel uterine cramping and what feels like cervical pain. It's not all the time, but started yesterday and went on overnight, even when I was trying to sleep. I woke up with it.
So I am scared.
I'm telling myself that the blood work looks good. That all should be fine. And then a creeping worry sets in that because progesterone is a pulsatile hormone, that the 21.75 is maybe when it is at its peak, and the rest of the time it is much lower, hence the cramping. On the other hand, I'm trying to tell myself that the baby is growing rapidly now and I may be feeling uncomfortable from my uterus expanding, nothing to do with the progesterone at all.
I put in one endometrin suppository last night, as insurance, but it didn't stop the cramping.
I tried the doppler this morning and found a heartbeat right away in the 130s. Hoping that's the baby and that that's fast enough. I measured mine too and it was 80-something (a little anxious, Mo?).
I will try to stay super-hydrated today to make sure that's not contributing.
Tomorrow I see my OB for a little reassurance check. I'll let her know about all this. Maybe she'll even do a cervix check (we haven't ever done one).
I'm also hoping to sneak in some more blood work at the end of the week. Just to see that the progesterone level still looks solid.
I'll keep you posted.
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I remember having a lot of pulling and cramping about the stage you're in. I was told it's because the uterus is getting bigger for the baby. I bet all is just great! You're so lucky that you get to go in for reassurances - that's really nice! You have earned them!
ReplyDeleteI am glad you are getting in for a check to ease your worried mind.
ReplyDeleteI highly encourage you to discuss incompetent cervix with your OB. Even though I had had 9 intra cervical procedures (which included cryo surgery for abnormal cells when I was in my 20s, transfers, hysteroscopies, sonohysterograms, HSGs) no one believed I was a candidate for IC. I demanded surveillance and all (my OB and Peri) obliged and sure enough I was diagnosed, in an emergent situation, at 16w6d). They will do weekly cervical u/s from weeks 15 - 24 (when IC is most likely to happen and when a cerclage can be effective) to ensure the cervix remains long and closed.
I say this not to add one more scary element to your already frayed nerves but because it has also been beneficial to other friends. Unless you had a LEEP procedure, no one will think you are a candidate for IC and it is usually diagnosed after a loss. You will likely be fine, for information is power.
This has been an IC PSA :)
Sounds totally normal to me...
ReplyDeleteI think you're going to just be at different stages of freaked out for the whole pregnancy! I bet (and hope) that everything is fine. Hopefully your OB can alleviate some worries.
ReplyDeleteHey Mo...Pregnancy hurts. This is one of those things I feel like noone told me and I was freaking out with all the crampy sensations. I bet you are fine and that baby is just getting ready to rise up over your pelvis and give you a lovely baby bump! Everyone is different too so try not to freak yourself out with Dr. Google (I speak from experience):-)
ReplyDeleteHang in there Mo! Cramping is totally normal but so understandable scary for you. Hugs
ReplyDeleteYou may be experiencing round ligament pain as your ligaments begin to stretch to make room for baby. The first time I felt it it was so strong (and in retrospect so scary) that I had to stop walking and cling to a building. If it's that, it will keep up for a while intermittently for the next bunch of weeks- it's an exercise in training yourself not to panic.
ReplyDeleteAs for the FHR, anything between 120 and 180 is totally normal. I can understand why yours would be through the roof, though!
Hang tough, Mo.
I'm going to jump in there with the 'Pregnancy hurts' line. Because it does. And we who are a bit overly-sensitive to goings on in there are bound to notice every single sensation. So glad you're going in for a put-your-mind-at-ease check, but it sounds like things are going very well, with no reason (well, other than the totally understandable, ever-present fear) to think otherwise.
ReplyDeleteHang in there, and yes, drink a ton of liquids. For me, that was the best way to keep weird uterine twinges as mild as they can be. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Thinking of you, looking at your pregnancy ticker (your PREGNANCY TICKER, MO!!!!) and grinning. Can't wait to see you.
Hey, Mo. The uterus cramps/contracts throughout the entire pregnancy; some women are more aware of it than others. From both my fullterm pregnancies, I know I have a really crabby uterus; regular contractions starting in the first trimester. With Tiny Boy, my OB did one cervical check manually at 14 weeks and an ultrasound at 17 weeks (when I was contracting pretty much every time I stood up)....all fine.
ReplyDeleteI second Sprogblogger; drink water, it might help. In my case, resting helped some, too, but more in the second and third trimester.
And yes, heartbeat has a range, just like ours, and 130s is safely within it; you might have caught the little one sleeping.
Just when you think you are feeling secure with your pregnancy, something will start feeling different... that's what happened to me too. Every couple of weeks, I would start feeling something new, and for a few days, was unsure about whether or not it was normal. Then once you start feeling at ease again, something else new starts to happen. It's that way all the way to the end! Being pregnant is so stressful!! I'm so glad you are using your doppler for reassurance though. 130s is great. My baby was always in the 110s when sleeping, and 130-150 when awake. Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteI can empathize with your reluctance to weane completely off the progesterone. And to have that be coupled with cramps. Oh Mo, hang in there. I hope you get the guidance you need from your healtcare team asap. Glad you have the doppler for some reassurance.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to agree with RLP. I also felt crampy (like I was getting AF) around now and was worried. Turns out, that's been pretty normal for me this whole pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteIt sucks stressing over things that turn out to be normal but I have so been there, done that. It sounds like the physical symptoms you are feeling are normal and your nervous reaction is definitely normal. {{{Hugs}}}
ReplyDeleteYes, insist on a cervical check, or at least some discussion of when those will commence. I asked about incompetent cervix at oh, maybe 14 weeks, and was basically blown off, and lo and behold at 16 weeks the shit hit the fan. Your OB sounds like a gem and should be good. I think given the number of D&C's you have had I think just a little more attentiveness to this is warranted. JUST DO IT!! Please. :)
In other words, I agree with It is What It Is (whose comment I overlooked)!
So glad that you have a doppler for the moment and a reassurance check in with the OB tomorrow. I think that it could very well be RLP, but it's always good to double check. Also very glad that you'll have her check your cervix-- hopefully it's long and closed, but knowledge is indeed power. I'll continue to hold you up in prayer until you get a more reassuring blood check to assure that all is indeed well.
ReplyDeleteI had exactly that, shooting pains in my cervix and cramping and the whole area felt overly hot and tight. Had it from 11-13 weeks and it was bad enough for me to phone my midwife in a panic. For me it was fine, just a big stage of growth and as my uterus hadn't stretched that much before it hurt. Didn't feel it at all for my second baby.
ReplyDeleteSending good thoughts your way, I hope tomorrows appointment is reassuring.
I'm glad you are getting checked tomorrow. It will ease your (and my!!) mind. But I think it is not low progesterone you are feeling, I think it is growing baby. I found "round ligament pain" to feel like cramps. Stretchy cramps. Which could be the least reassuring feeling. So it is probably a good thing, but get checked just in case.
ReplyDeleteI totally understand your being nervous - cramping after what you've been through would be terrifying BUT...as you said, your blood work looks great, you found baby's HB right away.. I bet it's just round ligament pain. Hang in there Mo!
ReplyDeleteI don't know....if it were me...I would use up whatever meds I had left just to be safe...what is a little jab in the behind and some goo in your girl if you get a baby out of it in 6 months.? Some people just have an irritable uterus and the prog has been known to quiet it....and won't hurt baby. I will be curious to hear what your OB says.
keep your chin up and think positive - excellent blood work & strong HB!
ReplyDeleteI had lots of cramping with both of my pregnancies that sounds a lot like what you are talking about. I'm sure all is fine, but I'm glad you are getting a check out just to make sure. Sending prayers your way!
ReplyDeleteGreat news on your progesterone level!
ReplyDeleteI know your experience has been to the contrary, but cramping is perfectly normal too. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Scary as all hell. Totally normal? Yes. Still scary, no doubt about it.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to a good report tomorrow!!!
Sleep tight...all of you. :)
Go today! She said you could! That said, as all the other commenters said, your uterus is probably stretching, and you may also be having round ligament pain.
ReplyDeleteAgreed on RLP, as well as any little twinges and cramping freaking me the eff out. I'm glad you have a great OB who will give you the reassurance you need. Mine was the same.
ReplyDeleteI missed the news b/c I haven't checked into the blogs in ages, but many congrats from across the river!
Hoping that today's appointment was indeed reassuring... holding up good thoughts!