Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sundays of grace #11

1. Raucous laughter with a good friend. I have one friend, W., who always makes me laugh out loud, even when we're talking about stress or things that are pretty un-funny - she's just like that, she helps me find the humor in things, the absurdity. It means I walk away from our conversations lifted a little, lighter. I am so grateful for the way W. is able to do this, without even trying.

2. We canceled our cable service to save money, meaning no more TV for us. While this has been a great way to reduce spending, not to mention reduce the not inconsiderable amount of time we used to spend watching television, we also miss having the ability to turn on the set and watch something, distract a little from the day and all the things on our minds these days. Thanks to hulu and sites like it, we're able to watch some of our current favorite shows and have been able to dip back into the past to see some classics we hadn't viewed before, or at least hadn't seen in years.

3. Board games: We don't get to play them so often these days, but I like knowing that they're up there on the top shelf in the hall closet, waiting to be played: Clue, Scrabble, Boggle, Scattergories, Syzygy, to name a few. It is such a fun way to spend an evening, a great way to connect with friends and acquaintances. When things calm down, I look forward to dusting off some of these games with others - game night here we come!

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  1. Aw, thanks for your sweet offer on my blog. Actually, that was our eighth or ninth visit to the city so we are pretty good at getting around. It was a whirlwind one day trip into Manhattan and the rest of the time was focused on the music conference in Brooklyn.
    Love your Sundays of grace!

  2. i always love these posts. makes me remember the good stuff :)

  3. I love game night!!! We have those often at my house :)

  4. I would LOVE to dump the cable. I didn't have cable for years and I was so much more productive. Hubby won't go for it though!

  5. I love game night too - and I love loud, braying laughter.


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