Thursday, May 14, 2009

Three anxiety dreams during the two week wait

Analyze this:

1. I go in for my luteal phase bloodwork. For some reason, the nurse is going over the post-transfer instructions. "No hot baths?" Nope. "No exercise?" Nope. "You've had nothing in your vagina, right?" Nope. Well...except for the progesterone suppositories that the doctor prescribed. "Oh. Of course." I breathe a sigh of relief. "But you know not to put them up near your cervix, right?" Huh? "If you put them near your cervix, the progesterone can leak into the uterus, instantly killing the embryos. It's common knowledge. But of course you didn't do that, right?" Oh my God.

2. The nurse calls. She asks, did we do the final step post transfer to turn the embryos on? I tell her I don't know what she's talking about. She says, "Again? I tell you two every cycle and you forget, but the whole thing won't work if you don't turn the embryos on. Now is not a time to get sloppy!" I wrack my brain, trying to remember, was I ever told I needed to have the embryos turned on? No. I don't remember anything. Oh, wait, I think I vaguely recall that there was maybe something else we had to do, but it's just beyond the reaches of my memory. "Well, it's too late now," she snaps. "You'll just have to hope for the best."

3. My RE is at my house. She's a woman. She wants to know where Will is. I tell her he's out of town. She starts yelling, saying that she told him to simplify the protocol and there are still too many steps in it. I don't understand. She hands me a piece of statistical output (that looks funnily like some of my dissertation data). "See?" she says. "You're controlling for too many variables in the IVF cycle. You don't have enough statistical power. I've told him but he won't listen!" She says the cycle is ruined.

Boy, am I an anxious one or what?! Eight more days to go. I am exhausted already.


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  1. So THAT'S the problem -- we've all been forgetting to turn our embryos on all these years!!!

    Wishing you more peaceful slumber.

  2. Oh my god. I didn't read the bit at the beginning about dreams... I thought it was real for a second, how horrid.

  3. Oh, Duck! Didn't mean to scare you!


  4. Oh I have these anxiety dreams so much! I had one this week where lab told me they couldn't even tell what my embryo grade is because they are so weird but they were going to put them in anyway! Hang in there! Not too much longer!

  5. Ha ha! I was the same as Duck - the progesterone at the cervix bit made my heart stop!! That will teach me to pay attention to every word! Those dreams just do not stop though, I can truthfully say I have not slept through the night without being woken up by a horrid/ just plain weird dream since I was stimming. Or maybe they were always there but I need to pee all the time so I wake up right in them!

    PS: When you find out where the embryo switch is let me know!

  6. OMG your dreams make my head hurt!

    And yes, when you do remember where that embryo switch is, you will share, right??

  7. the third one definitely means that you are thinking about your dissertation, too :)

    i would always tuck the progesterone behind my cervix!

    just embryo "on" switch!!

  8. Wow, those are some interesting and scary dreams. My vivid and crazy dreams started almost immediately after transfer, too. I hope it's a good sign for you, as it was for me, though I hope yours become less anxiety-filled of course. Last night I dreamt that Bill Clinton was mopping our kitchen floor. Hmmm.

  9. Ok, that just made my stomach churn with anxiety! I am always sure there is some crucial detail I'm forgetting. Sorry you are freaking out alone, but Will is back tomorrow right? Good luck!

  10. I am right here with you! My husband has been out of town as well (what is with being abandoned during the wait??) and I have been having the inevitable anxiety dreams. At least yours relate somehow to the subject at hand -- I had a dream the other night that there was a giant scorpion in my bedroom that I couldn't get rid of because my husband wasn't there to fight it. If that doesn't illustrate a disturbed psyche, I don't know what does.

    I hope your dreams simmer down a little and the rest of your wait goes by in a flash.

  11. I couldn't be dealing with those!

    Sleeping pills all the way!

  12. Psyche plays creul tricks sometimes!

  13. that was hysterical.. i just started a note to my nurse coordinator to ask about putting the progesterone too close to my cervix and needing to get educated on that.. and then i realized it was a crazy bad dream.

    you are hysterical.

    hang in there.. (easier said than done, i know)

  14. Yeah, the first one really scared me! Wishing you a peaceful slumber tonight.

  15. Gosh I hope you are still able to wake up feeling somewhat rested after those exhausting dreams! Counting down along with you and praying, hoping, dreaming for the best.

  16. My analysis...between work and this cycle, you have a lot on your mind.

    Try to do something to relax this weekend!!!

  17. OMG, that was so funny! I've had similar anxiety dreams as well - similar in that they're so bizarre!

    Just started following your blog - I'm really rooting for you!!

  18. how fascinating that they were all women in your dream, and they all were testing you on some knowledge you were supposed to have.
    I especially liked the one about turning on the embryos... It makes me think we have lost some sort of primal shamanic knowledge from ancient times, when all women basically were called witches. something of an ancient practice that could serve us well if only we could remember from the depths our our collective unconscious what it is.


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