I hesitate to even think this question, let alone write it, because I am sure it will doom the pregnancy, but I also know I better get going on this or the best OBs will be booked for my due date.
So, being optimistic for a moment and assuming this pregnancy continues to progress, I'll ask my question. Any and all thoughts/experiences welcome.
Does the fact that I'm on lovenox and prednisone at least through the first trimester (along with all of my other fun meds) mean that I will need to see a high risk OB? Or can a regular OB monitor someone on these meds?
I don't think there's any other reason I'd "need" to see a high risk OB, and I actually think that the low-risk OBs are a little less busy - and therefore a little more available - at the hospital where I'll be receiving care and delivering (ha! as though I would ever get that far). My husband and I work and receive our medical care at a major academic medical center here in New York, so even the "regular" OBs are pretty darn good (as long as they won't flip out about the lovenox/prednisone).
Anybody out there know? I just realized that even though I'll still be in limbo for awhile that I better get a first appointment booked or I'm not going to be able to get one at all with the provider of my choosing. Yikes.
Oh, and another question - can a regular OB measure cervical length? If we can make it out of the first trimester with everyone still alive, that is my other big fear - that I might have cervical issues since I've had 3 D&Cs. So would want to see someone who can regularly (as in every visit probably) check that things are ok in that regard.
This time around, should I get to the point of needing an OB, I've given myself permission to ask for extra visits and extra reassurance. We've been through hell and back, and if a little hand-holding can reduce our anxiety, I'm going to go for it. I suspect our days of once-a-month visits are behind us. I can't imagine just biding my time for a month between visits at this point. Hopefully, I can find an OB who feels that that's acceptable.
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